Thank God it’s only for six months. That’s when I’ll be turning eighteen; finally becoming a legal adult. You can be sure as hell the first thing I do, is blow this godforsaken place. My mum has that cocksucker to look after now. She doesn’t need me anymore.

“Hurry up son. I haven’t got all day,” my stepfather says sarcastically, leaning out of the driver’s side window. I swear he does shit like this to bait me. My head snaps in his direction.

“I’m not your son. You best remember that, old man,” I retort, my eyes narrowing. “If you got off your arse and helped instead of sitting there barking orders at me all afternoon, we would’ve finished hours ago.”

Throwing back his head, he laughs at my comment. He acts so sweet in front of my mum. She falls for his pathetic shit all the time. Truth is, he’s a fake-arse, prick. As soon as my mum’s back is turned, he treats me like dirt. She might love him, but I sure as hell don’t. I fucking hate him.

This is going to be the longest six months of my life.

Slamming the truck shut, I make my way around to the passenger side of the car. “Wipe your damn feet before you get in the car,” he barks. I swear if there was some dog shit nearby right now, I’d tread in it just to spite him.

Sighing, I do as he asks before climbing into the car. “Prick,” I mumble under my breath.

“Watch that smart mouth of yours, boy. I won’t tolerate you speaking like that in my house, and especially in front of your mother.” Ignoring him, I turn my head, gazing out the window, taking one last look at my home as he backs out of the drive. Christ, it hasn’t even been 24 hours and I already want to punch him.

Not a word is spoken on the drive to his place. I’m thankful for that. My stomach is in knots. Living with this arsehole is going to be pure fucking hell. I have no idea what my mother sees in him, but surprisingly he makes her happy. That’s the only reason I’m going along with this bullshit. I’m doing it for her, no other reason.

It’s about an hour’s drive from my old neighbourhood to the gates of hell. Fuck, I need a cigarette. As soon as we pull into the street I’ll now be calling home, my heart rate picks up. The street is lined with perfect houses, with perfect lawns and fancy manicured gardens.

I hate it here, already.

“This is your new home, my home,” the fuckwit says when we pull into the drive.

“Whoop-de-fucking-do,” I reply as I exit the car before he has a chance to say another word. I make my way around to the trunk to unpack the boxes. Of course that lazy fucker goes inside. I guess I’ll be doing all the work again.

As I open the trunk, I hear laughter. Pure, sweet, sickening laughter. My head snaps in that direction, and that’s when I see her. Well actually, the first thing I see is her tight little arse. She’s bending over patting a dog, wearing these sexy little shorts. Tearing my eyes away from her, they land on the dog. It’s a long-haired German Shepherd.

The perfect dog.

Growing up I always wanted a dog like that, but living in an apartment that didn’t allow animals, made it impossible.

When the girl stands up straight, my eyes move up to her long, dark hair that now cascades down her lean back. The sun’s beaming down on it, illuminating its shine. I find myself wishing she’d turn around so I could see her face. She doesn’t, so my gaze moves back down to her arse. Fuck me, what an arse.

Images of me wrapping her hair around my wrist as I bend her over, pounding her from behind, enter my mind. It makes my dick stir. Jesus, why did I let my thoughts go there? Her body might be rockin’, but that doesn’t mean her face is. I guess, if I was giving it to her from behind, that wouldn’t really be a problem anyway.

I watch as she raises her arm, throwing the ball across the yard. She’s got a pretty good throw for a girl. The dog turns galloping towards it. When he makes his way back, he almost bowls her over in his excitement. She starts to laugh again, and I feel the corners of my lips turn up in a smile as I watch them.

“Good boy,” she says in a sweet voice as she scratches him behind the ears. “Who’s a good boy?” When the dog notices me standing there watching, he drops the ball in his mouth and trots in my direction.

“Hey boy,” I say holding my hand out for him to sniff. He seems friendly, so I reach up, running my fingers through his long mane. I can feel my smile widen. Smiling is something I don’t usually do.

“Lassie,” I hear her call out, making my smile instantly turn into scowl. She’s got to be fucking kidding. Lassie? Fucking Lassie. She had the audacity to name this cool dog Lassie. What in the hell was she thinking? He looks more like a Rambo or Butch, definitely not a fucking Lassie.

“You poor thing,” I whisper as I scratch him behind the ears. “She’ll probably be cutting your balls off next and putting a fucking bow in your hair.”

My head snaps up and my eyes narrow as she makes her way towards us. Fuck me if her face isn’t as beautiful as that luscious body of hers. I swear my jaw goes lax as she approaches. My eyes drift down to her tits. They’re kind of small, but more than a mouthful’s a waste, I suppose.

“Hey, you must be Carter. Your mum told me you’d be moving in today.” Her beauty has rendered me speechless. What the hell?


Pulling my shit together, I straighten up to full height, towering over her tiny frame. Her sexy-as-fuck plump lips curve up into a smile, as her beautiful green eyes meet mine. “I’m Indiana. Your new neighbour,” she says extending her hand out to me.

My eyes move down to her extended hand then back up to her face. “You called your dog Lassie?” I snarl. “What were you fucking thinking? That’s a pussy name for a dog like this. You do realise he’s a boy right?”

Her sweet mouth opens in shock and her pretty green eyes widen before narrowing into slits. “The dog that played Lassie in the movies was a boy too, you know,” she retorts, folding her arms over her chest. If she’s trying to look tough, she’s failing miserably. Crossing her arms only manages to push her perky little tits up further. I feel my cock grow at the sight, and that pisses me the hell off. I hate how she’s having this effect on me.

Opening the trunk I reach in to retrieve a box, placing it in front of me. The last thing I want her to see is the damn hard-on she’s just given me.