“And has she called or tried to see you since?”

I nod. “She’s left messages and sent texts.”

At that moment, a hard smack swipes across the back of my head. “Ow! What the hell man?” My hand rubs the spot he smacked.

He laughs, standing to his feet. “You’re such an idiot. If she didn’t want to see you then she wouldn’t be calling. All you’re doing right now is causing more damage. You probably just pissed her the hell off and that’s why she hasn’t come to this session yet.”

He helps me to my feet and wheels the chair over for me. “I am an idiot, aren’t I?”

“Yes, very much so. Today’s session is over.” He nods toward the exit. “Go get her.”

Pushing forward toward the exit, I wheel myself down toward the elevators and wait. Rubbing the back of my head where Tom smacked me, I laugh. He really did just knock me upside the head. The elevator door swings open and I roll inside, hitting the floor that Melanie works on.

As the doors open, I glance around for her, hoping to see her in the halls. Hmm, she might be with a patient. I wheel toward the nurses station and see Amanda at her desk.

Closing the distance, I speak up. “Hey Amanda.”

We make eye contact and she yelps out with a smile. “Roman! What are you doing here? Wow, you look great! How’s physical therapy?”

Still looking for Melanie, I respond, “Yeah, it’s fine. Where’s Melanie?”

She looks up toward the waiting area. “Oh, she was just here with some guy.”

Anger seeps in as my blood boils. “What guy?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. He asked for her and said it was urgent. Maybe they went to talk somewhere.”

I spin around and wheel down the hall. Amanda follows me as we search for Melanie and her stranger. Coming up to another corridor, I hear her voice in the distance.

I call out for her, “Melanie?”

Nothing but silence, so I turn toward Amanda and tell her to get security. Panic builds inside as my breathing staggers. My arms burn as I wheel the chair closer to the sound of her voice. Turning the corner, I see her pinned against the wall as the man caresses the side of her face. She smacks his hand away and urges him to let her go. He snickers as he holds her against the wall.

Rage fuses with anger as I wheel closer and shouts toward them. “Let her go!”

The bastard turns around as Melanie cries out. “Roman, go get help!”

The man throws her to the ground and scowls. “So this is the cripple Gia told me about. Geez Mel, why bother with this one? He’s ghastly, just look at his face.”

I wheel forward quickly, helping her off the ground. “Melanie, get out of here.”

She stands up slowly. “No, I won’t leave you. He could hurt you.”

As I’m about to tell her to leave, my wheelchair is pulled and turned over to its side. My body flies out as the chair crashes to the ground. A burly voice laughs in the distance as my body cries out in pain.

“Easton! You asshole!”

I look up to see Melanie rush to him and smack him across the face. He stops laughing and slams her against the wall as she yells out. My hands ball into fists as I quickly sit up, forcing myself to stand.

Adrenaline and fury surge throughout my entire body as I rush toward him, yanking him away from her by the collar of his shirt.

Shoving him away, I growl, “You stay away from her!”

Regaining his balance, he rushes forward and takes a swing, but I sway, avoiding his punch just in time. Taking steps forward, my body erupts with untapped energy. My fist connects with his face as the force blows into his cheek, catching him off guard. My punch hits him again and then a third time. Blood spurts from his nose as I continue to pummel him. Losing his balance, he falls to the ground, knocked out cold.

Standing over him, blood drips from my fists as my chest heaves up and down. My pounding heart slams against my chest as I fight the urge to keep hitting him. My body trembles with anger as I stare at him lying on the ground unconscious.

Melanie’s angelic voice signals me back to reality. “Roman?”