Making a rushed decision, I spit out the order. “I’ll have the Pabellón Criollo.”

She takes our menus and stalks off. Gia passes me the bread that the waitress dropped off. “What the hell did you order?”

“It’s nothing fancy, just some rice, beans, and shredded beef.”

“Oh, sounds delish.”

After we finish our meals, we take a little stroll through the neighborhood, looking at all the eclectic stores and soaking up the East Village’s vibrant culture. I decide to do a little Christmas shopping and end up spending more than planned, but that’s all right.

By the time I get home, it’s eleven thirty at night and I still have to get ready for work the next day. Soaking my sore body in a warm bath, I relax every muscle and let the water silk around each crevice. The soft bubbles cover my skin as I rub a cloth all over it, exfoliating it into a smooth surface.


A SURGING JOLT of pain wakes me from my sleep. As a reaction to the intensifying pain, my hands immediately fly to my face, desperate to soothe the irritation. The excruciating pain singes the skin on my face as I feel liquid drip down my cheek. The gauze that was taped is now displaced as my good hand tries to apply pressure on the it.

Breathing through the agony, tears build as I press the button to call the nurse. The intercom chimes and I immediately call for help. Dr. Ferguson and Melanie come rushing into the room and toward the bed. Their eyes fall upon my face and they gasp at the sight of the source of my discomfort.

Dr. Ferguson keeps calm, looking me dead in my eyes. “Roman, the blisters on the burn have burst. We are going to have to debride them and clean up the puss that oozed out. This will be very painful. We can give you a sedative if you want it.”

As I listen to his suggestion, my breathing becomes hitched as the panic and torture build inside. I glance at Melanie who’s rolling on latex gloves and getting the swabs and a new roll of gauze ready.

Gripping the bed railing with my left hand, I let out a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “Just do it.”

Dr. Ferguson nods and calls out for two other nurses to assist them. Amanda and Jackie hold my shoulders down as Dr. Ferguson and Melanie work on my face. My eyes close shut as I hold my breath, clenching my jaw. I feel their fingers rub against my inflamed skin and I cry out in agony. Someone stuffs a piece of cloth into my mouth ensuring I don’t bite my tongue while enduring the misery. For the next couple minutes, I am in torture. Teardrops spill down my face as they continue to pry open and clean my wounds. The sting of my tears rolling down the burns doesn’t help either as the salt burns the skin even worse. Groaning in discomfort, my heart pounds against my chest as Melanie rubs the cotton swab on my face.

Dr. Ferguson instructs her to make sure she gets all around the popped blisters and over the new open sores. Following his instruction, she steadily applies the ointment and within seconds of its application, my fiery skin starts to cool. My haggard breathing calms as the pounding in my chest starts to subside.

After the ointment is applied thoroughly, he tapes new gauze bandages on the entire right side of my face. The bandage evens blocks the corner of my right eye, so I can barely make out what they’re doing now.

Dr. Ferguson instructs the nurses to let go, informing us that the procedure is complete. He and Melanie remove their latex gloves, and she disposes of the old dressings and the used swabs. Jackie and Amanda follow Melanie outside while Dr. Ferguson stays with me a little longer.

“You all right there son?”

I nod slowly as my body calms down. “Yes. That hurt like hell.”

“Yeah well, we’re not out just yet. Since a few of the blisters burst, there are now open sores on your face. Now, we applied some antibiotic cream on them to prevent infection from spreading, but I want to be honest with you: there’s still a chance the sores could get infected. I’ll ask my team to do their due diligence and check on your dressings every hour to ensure everything is running smoothly.”

I swallow hard, soaking in his warning. “What…what happens if it’s infected?”

“Well, depending on the root of infection, it can be treated with antibiotics. If it’s still located on the upper most layer of your skin, then the ointment will kill the germs.”

I hesitate. “And…if it’s deeper than that?”

“Then, we’ll have to send you to surgery and cut out the infected skin layers.”

My mind races a million miles a minute as I listen to the doc tell me the last thing I want to hear. Looking away toward the window, I try to forget what he just said, but it’s no use; I’m already in a pissed off mood.

My voice grumbles, “Will I have a scar?”

He responds firmly, “Yes, there will be scarring, but as long as the infection is controlled and caught early, I’m certain the scarring will be minimal.” He exits the room soon after and I wallow alone in my sorrow. Glancing at the time on my cell it shines one forty-five AM and my face falls as I realize Melanie’s about to head home soon.

I turn my head and stare up at the ceiling, as I can’t fall back asleep. I imagine life back at the bakery, helping Aunt Maggie make a couple wedding cakes or better yet, some chocolate cream pies. She’d somehow end up getting flour all over; well, let’s face it, it’s inevitable. I’d blast some of my favorite tunes on the stereo and we’d dance along to the music as we mix our delectable desserts.

I’d pour the cream, flour, butter, and sugar into the mixing bowl and watch as the components combine into a tasty batter. In between cycles, I’d stick my finger inside, scrape it against the inner wall, and lick the scrumptious batter clean off my finger.

Uncle Vinny would stop in after a hard day’s work and give Aunt Maggie and me a warm hello. He’d say he’s making his unforgettable stuffed shells and I’d listen as my stomach yearned for his homemade meal.

As the cakes would cook in the oven, I’d spend the rest of my time helping customers with their orders, boxing up cakes, pies, and cookies, and slicing fresh Italian bread. I’d wish them a good day and tell them to come back soon.