“Why didn’t you hit the button?”

With a harsh tone, he yells, “Because I don’t need your help.”

“Yes, you do. Now relax. I have to change the dressing and it will hurt.” I grab a pair of latex gloves and roll them on each hand. As I inch my hands toward his face, he pulls away.

I huff. “All you’re doing is making this more difficult for the both of us. Now, hold still.”

He groans but obliges as I carefully tear the old bandage off. He cries out as the welting pain courses through and I notice his reddened face has started to blister. Dammit.

Grabbing a cotton swab and starting above his right brow, I apply a fresh coat of the ointment all over the blisters, careful not to pop them. I gently rub the swab in a downward motion from his brow to his cheek. His heaving breathing speeds as I apply the new coats. Sweat drops trickle down his forehead as I concentrate on the application, ensuring that the wound is completely coated with ointment and cream. Reaching across him, I grab a tissue with my free hand to wipe the sweat away, preventing it from spooling onto his burns.

Once the ointment is applied to the burned region, I grab the gauze and slowly press it onto his face, taping it carefully so it won’t fall off. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his left hand grab the bed’s railing, squeezing it to the point where it looks like it’s about to crack. Sensing his excruciating pain, I hurry the process and finish lickety split.

“How you doing there?”

He gru

mbles, “I’ve been better.”

“Ok, well now I have to check your side, but since you’re in the brace, I’m going to have to turn you onto your left side. I need you to hold completely still. I will do all the turning, okay?”

He nods as I put down the ointment and the swab on the table. Placing my hands on his shoulder and middle back, I roll his body over, facing the window. He groans as his body is twisted but I keep my hand on his back, ensuring I don’t cause any damage. I position his body and reach down to twist his thighs and legs toward the left. Man he has thick legs.

Completing his transition, I roll up the bottom of his brace and peek underneath it. He gauze is still in place and thankfully nothing is oozing out of it.

“This one looks good and the dressing is still in tact, so I don’t want to change it just yet.”

His low voice answers back, “So, basically you moved my body for nothing.”

His attitude irritates me, but I keep my cool. “No, it wasn’t for nothing. You needed assistance and I wanted to ensure that your wounds were properly cared for.”

Replacing his body back in the previous position, I remove the latex gloves and toss them in the trash, along with the old bandages and the used swab.

“Do you want some more water?”


Glancing at his food tray, I see it’s untouched. “Are you not hungry?”

“No, the hospital food is just nasty.”

Holding back a laugh, I remove the food tray, carry it outside into the hall, and dispose of it. I return to his room, fill up the pitcher with fresh water, and close his curtains.

As I pull them closed, he yells, “Leave them open!”

Startled, I quickly let go and take a step back. “Oh, okay. Sorry I-I just thought you’d like them closed while you sleep.” He ignores my comment and reaches for the TV remote, powering it to life.

Glancing around the room to see if anything else needs taking care of, I find him staring out with a saddened expression.

“Are you all right?”

He glossy eyes fill with tears so I grab the box of tissues, offering it to him. His left hand flies through the air, hitting the box, causing it to fly across the room. I flinch as he growls, still avoiding eye contact, continuing to stare at the TV. Not himself huh?

I turn to collect the box off the floor as his deep voice echoes. “Just get out.”

His violent outburst catches me off guard, causing an emotional response. I can feel my eyes start to fill with tears, but I stay strong. Don’t cry.

Keeping my head up high and standing tall, I grab the box off the floor and place it on the dresser. I glance a quick look at him, just as he peeks at me. Our eyes meet for a millisecond until I look away and turn out the door.