That’s until I meet the kid next door. Indi-freakin’-ana. My dislike for her is instant. From the moment I lay eyes on her, she ignites something within me. She makes me feel things I thought I was incapable of feeling. I don’t like it, not one bit. When she looks at me with her big, beautiful, haunting green eyes, it’s like she can see into the depths of my soul. It freaks me the hell out. She’s like sunshine and rainbows in my world of gloom and doom. I hate sunshine and rainbows.


I’m Indiana Montgomery. My friends call me Indi. Despite losing my mum at the age of six, I have a wonderful life and great friends. My dad more than makes up for the fact that I only have one parent. I’m his little girl, the centre of his world. I adore him.

When Carter Reynolds moves in next door, my life takes a turn for the worse. He’s gorgeous, sinfully hot, but that’s where my compliments end. He seems hell-bent on making my life miserable. He acts tough, but when I look into his eyes I don’t see it. I see hurt and pain. To me, he seems lost.

I should hate him for the way he treats me, but surprisingly I don’t. If anything, I feel sorry for him. I want to help him find peace. Help him find the light that I know is buried somewhere within his darkness, but he won’t have a bar of it.

He’s warned me time and time again to stay away, but I can’t. I’m drawn to him for some reason. He’s always referring to himself as a bastard. That may be true, but to me, he’s more like a beautifully, misunderstood bastard. Whether he likes it or not, I refuse to give up on him.


The past…


Reaching out, my mum wraps her long, dainty fingers around my tiny hand. “Jump, baby,” she smiles, as I launch off the bottom step off the bus, landing on the sidewalk. We both laugh. I love my mum. She’s fun.

“Brrrrrr, it’s cold today,” she says.

Looking up, I find her shivering. I smile at her as she zips up her coat to keep warm. Digging through her bag, she takes out my favourite Spiderman beanie and scarf, holding them up for me to see.

“Put these on, sweetie,” she says smiling, as she crouches down in front of me, placing my beanie on my head and wrapping the scarf around my neck. “Let me get your gloves,” she adds, reaching into her bag again. “I can’t have my little man getting sick.”

I stand and watch as she pushes my little fingers into my blue gloves, one by one. “There, all snug.”

“Snug as a bug in a rug.” I smile. This is something she says to me every night when she tucks me into bed.

“That’s right, baby,” she smiles leaning forward, giving me a soft kiss on my nose. Rising to her feet, she reaches for my hand. “Come on.”

As we walk down the street, I look around. I don’t think I’ve ever been here before. “Where are we mummy?” I ask while looking around.

“This is my hometown. I grew up here.” I look up at her. Wow. Mummy lived somewhere else before our home?

She smiles down at me, but she still looks sad. “You lived here when you were little, like me?” I ask.

“Uh huh. This is where your grandparents live.”

“I have a grandma and grandpa?” I didn’t know that either. I feel my eyes widen, and I smile. I hear the kids at school talk about their grandparents all the time. I’ve always wondered why I didn’t have any of my own.

I’ve never asked my mum why. Once I asked her how come I didn’t have a daddy, like the other kids, and it made her cry. I don’t like seeing my mummy cry.

“I’m taking you to meet them now. They’ve never met you before.” I’m getting so excited; like the times I get to watch Spiderman on TV. I met my friend Josh’s grandparents once, when I was playing at his house. They were really nice. I hope my grandparents are like his.


nbsp; I start jumping along because I’m so happy. Mummy stops in front of a big white house. It’s really, really big, like the houses you see in movies. It’s so much bigger than where mummy and me live.

My mum’s hand is shaking as she holds mine. I look at mummy and she looks mad, like the time I drew on the wall at home. Her eyes are doing a funny thing.

“Your hands are shaking, mummy.”

“I’m okay little man, I’m just cold.” She looks down at me and smiles. Her eyes look happy when she looks at me.

“Do you want to borrow my gloves?”

“No, baby,” she says as her smile widens. She crouches down, placing her hands on either side of my face. “No matter what happens when we go in here, just remember how much I love you, and how special you are.”