She slaps my arm and I scowl, “What was that for?”

“It’s about damn time you kissed her! Rob and I have been waiting for years for you to make a move. We even had a little bet going to see how long it would take you.”

I laugh, “Oh yeah? Who won?”

She cheers, “You’re looking at her, baby!”

Raya sneaks up behind me, “What are you smiling about?”

I laugh, “Nothing, just thinking about a conversation between me and Melanie when she visited.”

“Oh yeah, what was it about?”

“You, of course.”

She spins me around to face her, “Good things, I hope.”

I kiss her gently, “I only have good things to say about you.”


I head to the kitchen and take out the chicken and begin to prepare it for tomorrow’s dinner, “So are you ready for tonight?”

She looks at me nervously, “I don’t know. Honestly, I’m terrified. I’ve never done this before in front of so many people.”

I walk up to her and kiss her forehead, “You’ll do great, baby. And remember that I’ll be there, watching you and cheering you on.”

A few hours later, we make our way into town and head to the local pub. Tonight is Singers and Songwriters Night and they’ve invited all of the local musicians to sing onstage for a set or two. I heard about the event last week and quickly got Raya all signed up. Even if she doesn’t sing, she can at least get a better understanding of the process and what it’s like. We turn onto the main street and she grabs my hand. I glance at her and her beautiful smile sends an electric shock into my chest.

I see her leg shaking, “Nervous?”

She grunts, “Yes, and I hate it.”

“I can go up there with you, if you need me to.”

Her eyes widen, “You will?”

“Of course, baby.” I raise her hand to my lips and kiss it. “Anything to make you feel more comfortable.”

Ten minutes later, we arrive at the pub and I grab a parking spot. I rush out to open her door for her and grab her hand.

“Before we go inside, I have something for you.”

Her dazzling blues sparkle, “Really?”

“Yeah, close your eyes and open your hand.”

She giggles and closes her eyes, holding her palm out. I reach into my jacket pocket and place her gift inside her palm, shutting her hand.

“Okay, open.”

She opens her eyes and looks down at her hand, slowly revealing the gift I left inside. She gasps as her eyes are fixed on the necklace that I bought her six years ago.

Tears fill her eyes and she looks right at me, “Duke…You saved it?”

“I saved it because one day, I knew I would give it back to you.” I take the necklace out of her hand, “Turn around.”

She spins and lifts her hair, allowing me to link the chain around her neck. She turns back to me and lets her hair down, admiring her new piece of jewelry. She looks at me, places her hands on my cheeks, and kisses me. My hand grabs the back of her head and I pull her into me, deepening the kiss.