Melanie talked to the residents and nursing staff and she says that they believe Raya is recovering slowly, especially this past week. As I get ready to head out for work, my phone rings and lights up with Melanie’s name.

I answer it, “Hey, I’m on my way to work. What’s up?”

“Duke, I just heard the best news!”

I can tell she’s been crying, “What is it?”

“The rehab center called me. They said Raya is doing so well and she even talked in group therapy today!”

I stop dead in my tracks, “She spoke? Out loud?”

“Yes! Can you believe it? They said that since this week is her last week anyway, we can go get her today, if we wanted to.”

“Oh fuck yes! I can’t believe she talked. What time do you want to get her? I should be done with work early today.”

“Come get me around three and we’ll go. This is so awesome. She’s slowly coming back to us!”

“Yeah, one step at a time. I don’t want to push her too far and have her regress. I’ll be downstairs at three. See you later.”

“Okay, bye!”

I hang up the phone and start fist pumping the air. She’s coming home today. I bust out into a little happy dance in the living room. As soon as I get to work, I tell Davis the great news and everyone congratulates me. Today’s been an awesome day and it’s only nine in the morning. In just a few hours, I’ll be able to get my girl and bring her home.

At ten to three, I pull up outside of Melanie’s apartment and honk the horn. Five minutes later, she races out of her building, squealing like a little girl. The grin on her face shows it all. She’s just as happy and excited as I am. Thirty minutes later, we pull up to the rehab center and race inside to check-in and bail Raya out of there. The receptionist calls a nurse to walk us to her room. My hands begin to sweat as the nerves come back yet again. No matter how many times I see her, she completely changes everything about me. Just seeing her face makes me happy and all mushy. Melanie peeks over at me and notices my nervousness and giggles.

I smile, “What? I’m just anxious to see her.”

“It’s cute, that’s all. You really care about her and it shines through.”

A few minutes later, we arrive at her room and I bust right in with Melanie following close behind. My eyes go straight to Raya as she stands by the window, looking out at the city’s skyscrapers. She’s wearing a cute sundress and a pair of flip flops. Her hair is brushed and its natural waves settle down her smooth back.

She turns around and locks eye contact with me as a huge grin lights up her face. Her new attitude has completely caught me off guard and I stand there in total shock and bewilderment.

Raya slowly walks up to me and whispers, “Duke.”


I’m stunned into silence as she says my name. Melanie evens gasps out loud in shock. Raya steps up closer to me and reaches up to touch my face. Her hands caress my cheeks and I lean into them as her soft fingers glide along my skin. My hand reaches up to hers and I grab onto it.

She smiles again, “You’re here now.”

I nod, “I’ll always be here for you. I promised, remember?”

She nods her head and steps into me as I wrap my arms around her. Feeling her so close to me feels fucking perfect. I can hear her sob quietly and I rub my hands along her soft hair. Her tears drip down onto my shirt, forming a small wet spot. We rock back and forth as we hold on to each other for several minutes. I don’t want to let go of her. It just feels so right.

We start to pull away and she looks over at Melanie and rushes into her arms. The two women bawl louder and happier than I’ve ever witnessed and it brings me so much joy to see it. Even the nurse sheds a few tears.

After the reunion, Melanie asks, “What…what changed, Raya?”

She sighs,

“It’s hard to say but it…it was my mom.”

Melanie and I stand still, stunned, “Your mom?”

Raya nods, “Yeah, she came to me in my dreams a few days ago and told me to open up again, to let people in. She said she wanted me to be happy. So here I am, trying to do what she wanted.”

I wrap my arm around her, “Well, I’m happy that you’re trying, Raya. I really am. Come, let’s get your things and get the hell out of here.”