The nurse is checking Raya’s vitals and I approach her quietly, “Excuse me, ma’am, do you know where my friend went?”

The nurse smiles, “Oh, I believe she went to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. She should be back in a few minutes. Come relax on the cot for a bit. Your back must be killing you.”

I stretch my back just as she says that. Maybe I should get some rest just in case Raya wakes up. I’ll need to be at my best for her. I stroll to the cot and lie down. It’s not comfortable at all but it beats the hemorrhoid inducing chair. The nurse lays a blanket over me and starts to head out of the room.

I call out to her, “Ma’am, do you mind waiting to leave until my friend arrives? I don’t want to fall asleep without anyone here to watch Raya.”

She nods, “Sure, I can wait for a bit.”

I smile at her graciously, “Thank you.”

I adjust myself into a comfortable position and shut my eyes to try and get some rest.

The next thing I know, my body is being shaken until I practically fall off the cot.

My eyes shoot open to find Melanie staring at me, trying to wake me up.

“What is it, Melanie?”

“It’s Raya. I think she’s waking up.”

I jump out of the cot and rush to the bed, “How long was I out?”

“Three hours. I’ll get the nurse.”

I grab Raya’s hand and she stirs awake. Her body moves slightly and she lets out a soft moan as she tries to open her eyes. Melanie and the nurse enter the room. Melanie stands on the other side of the bed, while the nurse begins to check the monitors for anything irregular.

She heads to the door and says, “I’ll notify the doctor,” and rushes into the hall.

Raya continues to stir and lift her eyelids. I glance at Melanie, “Get her some water. She’s probably severely dehydrated.”

“You’re probably right.” She heads to the restroom to fill a small cup of water and returns, placing it on the small table.

Melanie grabs Raya’s hand and softly says, “Raya, can you hear me, sweetie? If you can hear me, open your eyes.”

Her eyes slowly open, adjusting to the light in the room. My body freezes and my heart stops beating. I feel sweat start to form on my forehead and I quickly swipe it away with a napkin. She stirs in her bed as the light hits her delicate eyes.

I lean down to whisper softly, “Raya, I’m here. Can you hear me?”

She opens her eyes fully and I’m immediately transfixed. They are even more magnificent than I remembered—the hint of blue dazzles and sparkles leaving a tingly feeling in my heart and soul. They are absolutely mesmerizing; I can get lost in them for hours.

We stare at each other for what seems likes a few minutes. We don’t speak with our words but with our eyes. I can tell she recognizes me; she has to. She has to feel the same effect that I feel right now.

Pure joy courses through me and I lean down to kiss her forehead, “I’m so happy you’re here, Raya.”

As I lean back, her breathing becomes erratic and she looks panicked. I glance at Melanie, “What’s wrong?”

She glances at the monitors, “I think she’s having a panic attack.”

Melanie rushes out to get the nurse. At that moment, Raya begins to moan in pain as her body trembles violently and her monitors begin to beep frantically. The doctor rushes into the room and Melanie follows.

Dr. Hunter orders the nurse to hold Raya steady and turn her on her side. As her seizure starts to get worse, her body convulses and her eyes roll into the back of her head. I stand back to allow the doctor to examine her quickly and Melanie stands close by. He yells at the nurse to administer a sedative into the I.V. drip. The nurse follows his orders, and within seconds, Raya is completely calm and relaxed like it never happened.

Dr. Hunter turns to us, “What happened?”

I respond, “Nothing, she just started waking up so we talked to her quietly. Then she just started to panic.”

“Do you think she recognized you?”