“Don’t say that. You are not that person, Raya. You’re better than that. Remember who you are. Don’t forget what makes you, you.”

I shrug my shoulders, “Whatever you say, West.”

He lets go of me and spins me around to face him, “Look, I know tonight is a big night for you. I need you to be careful, okay? Please, for me.”

I notice a slight panic in his voice, “What do you mean? Be careful about what?”

He breathes deep, “Just trust me, okay? Please.”

“West, you’re scaring me. The last time you came to my room, it was the night Layla was killed. What are you not telling me?”

He shakes his head, “I can’t tell you, Raya. I need you to trust me. If something goes down, I’ll come get you.”

“Goes down? What is happening, West? Don’t you think I have the right to know?”

“Raya, don’t make this any harder than it is for me. Just know that I’ll come find you. I promise.”

I cross my arms over my chest and give him a growl. West is such a mystery to me. I don’t get him sometimes. Why work for Derrick if all he cares about is helping me? He knows that Derrick rapes me and beats me. Why not stop him then? Why is he so secretive all of the time?

West gives me a tight squeeze, let’s go, and heads toward the door. Before he exits, I call out for him, “West, wait.”

He stops and turns to face me, “Yeah?”

“I don’t know what you’re up to, but I want to tell you something that I should’ve said a long time ago.”

His brow arches and a confused expression scales across his face, “What is it?”

I let out a deep breath, “Thank you for always being here for me. Without you, I don’t think I would have survived this place. And as much as I hate to admit it, I really need you. I just wanted you to know that.”

I look up at him to find him staring at me with admiration and astonishment. A huge smile plasters across his face and he quickly strides toward me.

I ask, “What are you d—”

In that instant, his lips touch mine and he kisses me with the fierceness of passion and tenderness. His soft lips cascade over mine as his hands cup my face, only to pull me in closer to him. His tongue lightly brushes against mine and I hear a deep moan escape from under his breath. Our lips tangle and twirl for a few more seconds until he releases me. I open my eyes to find his eyes sizzling with adoration and desire. I open my mouth to speak but his finger presses against my lips, catching my words.

“Don’t, Raya. I know what you’re going to say. I know you still think of him. I’m not an idiot. I just needed you to know that you aren’t the only one wanting something you can’t have.”

And with that, he lets go of me and leaves me alone. I reach my fingers up to my lips and press against them. If I don’t count all of the times with Derrick and the auction nights, that was my first real kiss. Tears threaten to escape as I realize what my life has become. I’m twenty-five years old and just had my first true kiss. For some reason, I always thought that my first kiss would be Duke. My heart breaks as I remember our night in his Mustang, holding hands while he drove me home. We almost kissed that time, but I pulled away. Maybe if I had kissed him, things would be different now. Maybe I would have stayed in New York. Maybe we would be together right now.

As I think about the past and what-ifs with Duke, a loud knock bangs against my door, startling me. I look over to find Derrick glancing at my outfit of choice.

He smiles, “I like the new look, Angel. Makes it all more real. Don’t you think?”

I cuss under my breath. Ugh, he likes it. Fucking asshole.

He holds out his hand for me, “Your party is waiting for you. Come say hello to your clients.”

I inhale and exhale deeply, mentally preparing myself. I walk over to him and place my hand in his. I follow him out of the basement and up the stairs into the kitchen. Minutes later, he gives me my usual pill and I gladly take it. I need something to knock me the fuck out so I won’t remember.

For the next few hours, everything is a blur. Whatever Derrick gave me keeps everything at a slow pace. Apparently, the big hot shot client is a Senator and Derrick needed me at my best. I can tell this must be his first time in a place like this. He seems to be a little timid and shy. A few pulls of my hair and a few slaps on my ass is all the Senator really does. I may have slurred a few nasty lines here and there but I’m not working tonight. So, what do I do? I just lie there and let him do all the work.

After he finally gets the courage to get a little rougher with me, I hear a ruckus outside of the door. It sounds like people are shouting and yelling at each other. As the Senator continues to fondle me, I glance outside. It’s still dark out so people can’t be leaving, can they?

In a split second, I hear footsteps running up the stairs and shots being fired. The Senator jumps off of me and shouts, “What the fuck is going on?”

“I don’t know. Those were gun shots.”

The Senator quickly dresses and rushes to the door. He looks at me for a few seconds, about to say something, but instead he opens the door and rushes into the hall.