I remember a distinct time when I was completely doped up on whatever they gave me before an auction. I had won the attention of three winning bids for one night. Not only did I have to fuck all three of them, but they were abusive as well. I got a few hits that night, but nothing like I’ve received in the past. Once the morning came, West entered the room to escort them off the premises and noticed the bruises on my face and body. I’ve never seen so much rage flash in someone’s eyes as fast as it did in his. In a split second, he had all three men screaming in pain as he broke their limbs within a matter of minutes.

That night, West received his punishment; however, Derrick agreed with him due to the fact that they did damage his most prized possession. Only Derrick would see that as an attack on him.

Derrick also continues to visit me at least a few times per month. He no longer has to threaten me to behave. I do everything that he asks of me without hesitation. I’ve completely surrendered to him and he dotes on it. He knows he’s won and that’s all that matters to him. It’s taken him three years but he finally has control over me.

He owns me. I belong to him. I am his Angel.


I take a final look at my empty bedroom and sigh with a deep breath. This is it. This is what I’ve worked so hard for. Time to get things moving.

My mom yells for me, “Duke! Melanie and Rob are here!”

I smile at her loudness and head out the door, shutting it behind me. I make my way downstairs to find Melanie, Rob, and my parents packing up the last few boxes.

I walk over to grab a box and head outside to the moving truck. Melanie and Rob follow close behind. Placing the box inside the truck, I turn to grab Melanie’s box.

She smiles at me as I set the box inside, “I’m very proud of you, Duke. You know that, right?”

I turn to her and smile, “I know, but there’s nothing to be proud of.”

Rob walks past us to place his box inside the truck.

He pats me on the back, “Of course there is. Look at you—graduated at the top of your class, got a great job as an investigator at a top firm, and finally moving out of your folks’ home. I’d say that alone is an accomplishment.”

I shrug my shoulders, “I guess, but not really the one thing I wanted to accomplish these past few years.”

Melanie sighs and pulls me into a hug. “Don’t think about it, Duke. Now that you’re in, you have the means to find her. You can do it. I believe in you.”

I wrap my arms around her, squeeze her tight, and kiss the top of her head.

Rob laughs, “Enough of this crap! Let’s go out and celebrate once you’re settled in. Come on, let’s get cranking!”

The three of us finish loading the last of my belongings and they wait for me outside while I say good-bye to my parents. When I walk inside the house, my mother’s eyes are filled with tears.

I stroll up to her with open arms, “Mom, you knew sooner or later I had to move out.”

She sniffs, “I didn’t think it would happen so fast. You’re my baby and I’m not ready yet.”

I chuckle, “Mom, I’m twenty-three years old. I can’t stay around forever.”

She wipes away a tear, “And why not?”

I shake my head, pulling her into my embrace. We rock back and forth for a few seconds as she sobs into my chest. I run my hands along her hair and rest my cheek on her head.

My father wraps his arms around us and we stay there, holding on for what feels like an eternity.

I hear the moving truck horn outside and let go

of my parents.

My father nods his head and smiles, “I’m very proud of you, son. Take care of yourself.”

I soak in his approval, “Thanks, Dad. I’ll call you guys when I settle in.”

I give my mom a quick peck on her cheek, “I love you, Mom.”

Her smile shines, “I love you, too, Duke.”