I squeeze Layla’s hand, “Layla, we are not alone.”

In that split-second, someone rushes past me, ripping Layla’s hand from my grip as her fearful scream rings throughout the room.


I reach my hand out in search for Layla’s hand, but come up empty.

“Layla! Where are you?”

A muffled noise sounds off as the panic in me builds up higher and higher.

“Layla! Talk to me!”

The sound of bodies scuffling echoes from across the dark room, so I decide to follow it.

At that moment, I hear Layla gasp and scream for my help, “Raya, help me!”

I rush to her plea for help, diving right into the eerie blackness. Instantly, I collide into a strong, solid body. Whomever this person is, he’s hurting Layla. I fling my arms out to try to claw his face and hopefully get a good shot at his eyes.

The man grunts as he pushes Layla out of the way, clearly making an easy trail to attack me. He grabs on to my wrists and twists them behind my back. I cry out in pain as the sting sends chills up my spine. Suddenly, Layla brushes up against us as she punches him over and over again.

She screams, “Let go of her!”

He instantly backhands her and she goes flying, crashing into the solid floor. As he returns his focus on me, I try to remember a few kickboxing moves and give him a swift kick to the lower knees. He buckles over, letting go of my wrists.

Pushing off of him, I run to find Layla.

I bend down to the floor, crawling to find her. “Layla! Reach for me!”

She whispers softly a few feet away, “I’m over here.”

I crawl beside her and nuzzle her neck into my chest. I feel blood running down the side of her face and tears spill over her cheeks.

I kiss her forehead, “Layla, I’ll get us out of here.”

A deep and malicious voice whispers behind us, “Oh no you won’t.”

He grabs a fist full of my hair and stands me up on my feet. I let go of Layla and land a right hook into his face. A few seconds later, his rough fist crashes into my cheekbone and all I see is cloudy dots and stars as I try to focus. My body sways in his grasp as his next hits knock the wind out of me.

I receive another hit to my lower stomach, and another, and another. Hit after hit collides with my body and I slowly begin to collapse. His fists grow stronger and the punches dive deeper into my fragile frame, slowly weakening me until I can no longer take anymore.

I let go of every ounce of strength left in me and slam into the solid floor below. Pools of blood form underneath my oozing head as I try to breathe through the excruciating pain. Determination and loyalty keep me from closing my eyes and I shake away the fogginess, trying to get a glimpse of Layla.

The dizziness escalates as the pounding in my head grows louder and louder. I try to reach my arms out to her but the pain is too much.

My voice cracks, “Survive, Layla. Survive.”

She responds with only sobs and whimpers. Heavy footsteps pass by my beaten body and move toward Layla.

She pleas, “No, please don’t hurt me.”

The nefarious voice commands, “This is her fault. Remember that.”

And with that, I hear her cry out as he inflicts pain on her. She gasps as he hits her body over and over again.

I scream for her as tears run down my face, “No, stop! Hurt me! Hit me instead!”

He ignores my request and continues to slam his fist into her, blow after blow.