“Where’s your car, Mel?”

She pulls away from me, “Oh, I sold it. I figured I won’t need it if I’m in the city. I took the bus to get here.”

“Oh, okay.”

She leans in and gives me a quick hug. “It was nice seeing you,” she whispers and turns to walk away toward the exit of the cemetery.

I climb inside the Mustang, insert the key, and rev the engine to life. I drive off and see Melanie walking on the sidewalk toward the bus stop. My gut tells me to stop and pick her up, so that’s exactly what I do.

I pull along the curb and roll down the window, “Hey, do you want to grab a quick bite? I know a pretty sweet bakery that has some kick-ass éclairs.”

Melanie looks at me hesitantly and smiles. She shrugs her shoulders, “Why not?” As she enters the car, her smile shines bright, “Thank you. I thought you were going to leave me high and dry.”

I chuckle and pull away from the curb and toward the bakery, “Yeah, well, I’m trying not to be a dick anymore. I’m sorry for being an ass these past few years. I guess it was just easier to shut people out.”

She reaches for my hand and squeezes, “I understand and I forgive you.”

I hold the door open for Melanie and follow her inside Zeppieri’s Italian Bakery. We wait in line and I think about what I’m going to order.

Melanie whispers, “So, what are you getting?”

I ponder for a quick second, “I’m going to get a slice of strawberry cheesecake, a cherry tart, and an apple turnover. What are you getting?”

“Hmm, I think I’ll try the chocolate éclair and get a few of the three layer cookies.”

A few minutes later, we place our orders and grab an empty booth. We start to eat our goodies in silence and I catch Melanie staring at me.

I wipe my mouth with a napkin, “Do I have something on my face?”

She giggles, “No, it’s just good to see you, that’s all. I never expected to see you again, let alone on this day.”

“Yeah, it’s surreal, but perhaps it’s a good thing. How are those éclairs?”

She glances down at her empty plate, “Delicious!”

I laugh at her enthusiasm and realize I haven’t laughed like this in a long time. Melanie always brought out the good in people. No matter what she did or said, she always managed to make me smile.

“So, I see you graduated nursing school. Congratulations. That was fast, huh? Did you bulk up on classes?

“Yes, I doubled the course load and also took summer courses. It was so worth it. I have an interview and I’m praying I get this job.”

I shower her with words of encouragement, “I’m sure you’ll get the job. You’ve always been determined and motivated. Besides, you’ll make a great nurse. If I ever get sick, I’d want you to take care of me.”

She laughs, “Actually, it’s for the trauma department, so you probably won’t see me very often, unless you get shot or something.”

“Hey, you never know, I might.”

Her eyes grow wide, “What do you mean?”

I chuckle, “I’m going to be an investigator. I’ve been studying Criminal Justice and have one year left. My plan is to open my own firm and take on my own clients. That way, I decide what hours I work and what cases I choose to accept.”

“That sounds great, Duke. I’m very proud of you. How’s your mom?”

“Ehh, annoying as ever, but I love her, so I deal with it.”

She slaps my arm, “Don’t say that. Your mom is great! I remember when she baked the most delicious chocolate chip cookies ever! They were so warm and gooey; just thinking about them makes my stomach grumble.”

“Ha-ha! Yeah, she does have skills in the kitchen. Do you keep in touch with anyone from Lehman?”