He pulls out of me and flips me over onto my stomach. He pushes my legs up so that I’m at a kneeling position on the bed, grabs hold of my hair, forcing me to keep my body upright.

His hands sprawl across my ass and move along the curves of its cheeks.

He grumbles, “This will make you scream,” and plunges himself inside. I immediately cry out but tell myself to not give in to him. The throbbing and burning sensations make me sick as my insides are torn apart from his intrusion.

Tears spill down my cheeks and I watch them fall onto the bed. My fingers grip onto the bed sheet as I swallow the agonizing torture.

Derrick yanks on my hair, “Scream for me.”

I affirm, “No.”

His annoyance at his failure to make me scream increases. He stops to turn me around again, wrapping his fingers around my neck as he squeezes. His eyes, red with fury, transmit fear and horror into my soul. Don’t give in, Raya. You are a fighter.

He seethes, “One day you will scream for me.”

I spit in his face, “That’s all you’ll ever get from me.”

He wipes the spit off and chains me back to the bed, zips his pants, and retreats toward the door. Turning to face me, he whispers, “You will regret this, Angel. I can promise you that.”

I let out a deep breath and assert, “One day I will kill you. I can promise you that.”

Laughing at my threat, he opens the door and allows the guard to step into the room. He calls out for a few more of his men and they all gather in the room.

As he’s about to exit, he states, “She’s all yours.”


I wake to the sounds of someone rummaging through my room. Soft whispers echo against the hard gray walls. I try to move my body but the soreness and aching in my bones prevents me from moving at all. I slowly open my eyes to see a blurred figure standing over me. Squinting, I try to focus on my surroundings.

The grogginess dissipates as everything starts to become clear again. The room comes into focus and the figure standing above me bends down and rubs my cheeks. I try to reach for them, but my arm is chained to the bed. My mouth is completely dry, and as I try to speak, my voice cracks.

The dark figure whispers, “Don’t speak. We are here to fix you up. You’ve had a rough night.”

Realization hits me—there’s a woman in the room with me. I force my eyes to open wider and see who’s in front of me. A beautiful and elegant woman with long, dark curly hair smiles at me.

I struggle to speak, “Who are you?”

She chuckles and rubs the top of my head, “I’m Trish. I’ll be your coach while you’re here.” She looks my body up and down and smoothes the hair away from my face. “And by the looks of it, we are going to be very busy.”

“Wait, coach? For what?”

She bends down closer to me and whispers, “You want to survive?”

I nod my head, “Yes.”

“Then you need to be the best girl Derrick has to offer. If not, then you won’t bring in the money and he won’t have use for you anymore.”

I gulp, “What will I have to do?”

“Anything that they ask of you. And if not, then you’re no longer needed. So, my first piece of advice is to listen to Derrick. Don’t fight him. He owns you now.”


p; I stare at Trish puzzlingly, “Why are you here? What’s in it for you?”

“I’ve been one of Derrick’s girls for about ten years now and this is the only thing I know. It’s my life. If we try to run, they’ll kill us. So, I stay and try to make the best of it.”

I gulp, “I don’t know if I can do this. I can’t just be thrown around from man to man.”