Ten minutes later, we arrive at my apartment building. I step in and give Derrick a quick hug. “I had a nice time. Thank you.”

He squeezes me, “I’ll call you with the information about the job fair, is that okay?”

“Sure.” I pull out my cell phone and we exchange phone numbers. We hug once more and I wave good-bye as Derrick walks off. I head upstairs into my apartment and walk to the kitchen to grab a quick drink of water. A few seconds later, my phone rings and I see it’s Derrick calling.

I press the green answer button, “Hello?”

“Hey, it’s Derrick.”

I laugh, “Yes, I know that. Did you get the information already?”

“Actually, no. I enjoyed our walk so much so I figured I’d talk to you on my way home.”

His honesty causes a smile to spread on my face, but something holds me back. I let out a deep breath, “Look, Derrick, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I’m not ready to date or anything right now.”

I hear him breathing for a few seconds and wonder if he’s just going to hang up.

“No problem. We can just hang out as friends. Is that alright?”

Taken aback but happy with his decision, I smile and reply, “Yes, that would be great.”


The next day, Derrick calls me with all of the information about the job fair. The location isn’t too far, about a thirty-minute train ride. I looked up his cousin’s company and it’s everything that I need—administrative position, full-time, nine-to-five—I need to get this job. Hmm, I wonder if Layla would like to join me.

I race into the living room, grab my cell phone off the coffee table, and dial Layla’s number. As it rings, I glance at the clock to make sure she isn’t working at this hour.

A few rings later, she answers, “Hey, wassup?”

“Hey, do you want to come to a job fair with me?”

“Job fair? What companies will be there?”

“Well, actually, I think it’s just one company, but it’s owned by Derrick’s cousin. Derrick said they are looking for people to fill a few administrative positions. I’m talking full-time, set schedule, no more working on weekends. What do you think?”

“When is it and what time?”

“It’s on Thursday at ten.”

“Raya, I work the lunch shift on Thursdays. You know that.”

I slump in my chair, “Please, Layla. Can’t you get off work? Switch with someone. What about Hazel? Ask if she can switch with you.”

“Okay, I’ll call her, but I can’t guarantee anything. Where is it, anyway?”

“It’s not far, just a quick ride on the blue line.”

“Okay, let me call Hazel and I’ll let you know. Geez, I don’t even have a resume ready.”

“Come on over later and I’ll help you write one.”

“Okay, first I need to call Hazel. Don’t get too ahead of yourself.”

I laugh, “I’m excited. This is going to be good for us. I can feel it.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll text you when I hear back from Hazel.”

“I’m going to head to the mall to get a new outfit.”