“Wow, it would have taken me an hour to find the classroom if I was lost there.”

We both burst into laughter as we slowly approach classroom 115. “Alright, here it is. By the way, I’m Duke, captain of the lacrosse team.” I reach my hand out for a handshake.

He shakes my hand firmly and smiles a little. “Thanks, Duke. I’m Henry. Lacrosse, huh? I was thinking about joining a sports team.”

“Think about it. Tryouts for JV are in about a month. Good luck in class.”

“Thanks, see you around.” I give a wave and begin the long haul back to Forensics.

About four hours later, I hear the one o’clock lunch bell ring. Whew, last period is done. I can only take so much about the Civil War. History is not my strong suit; give me science or heck, even math, but not history. As all the students quickly hurry out of class and stroll off to their next period, I make my way toward the locker room. Taking my iPhone out of my pocket, I send a quick text to Melanie.

Me: Practice should be over by 4. See ya later at my place?

Seconds later my iPhone dings and I chuckle.

Melanie: Yes, see you later baby. Xoxoxo

Me: Texting in class are we? ;)

Melanie: You are worth it! <3

As I enter the locker room, I hear the guys talking about their summer adventures and a few guys notice my arrival. Jose, the team goalie, grabs hold of my shoulder and gives me a nod.

“Duke, what’s up?” How was your summer? Anything exciting? I hear you’re dating Melanie now. How is she?” he asks with a sly look.

I shrug out of his grasp and reply as I turn to my locker, “It was fine, and yes, I’m with Melanie, so don’t try anything, Jose. I don’t have time for your bullshit.” This guy is a total douchebag.

Jose follows behind me and throws his hands into the air. “Hey, I was just asking, Duke. No harm, no foul.” I turn around and point a finger at him and warn, “You stay away from Melanie. I fucking mean it. I’m tired of you meddling, so fuck off!”

Jose backs away slowly. “Alright, alright! Chill, Duke! I didn’t even do anything!”

“Keep it that way.” I turn back around and open my locker, toss my backpack inside, and then head off to the shower. I feel my temperature rising and my breathing is sporadic. I hate that fucker. He’s always getting in my face and messing with my relationships. Honestly, he’s just jealous because he wants to be captain and is stuck at the goalie position. Ever since sophomore year, he’s been fucking with me. He got in the way of me and my first girlfriend. Ever. I should be mad at her but I’m not. She left me for him and he dumped her right afterward. So, now I’m always cautious of him. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he tried to put drugs in my locker, hence my daily inspection.

The cool stream of water slowly begins to cool my body down as I start to breathe normally. If he fucks with Melanie, I’m going to beat the shit out of him. Melanie means a lot to me and I will not have Jose fuck it up.

As I turn off the shower, I hear Coach blowing the whistle and yelling for us to get on the field. With all of this stamina and heated anger, this will be a great practice. Time to let off steam.

I quickly jump out of the shower, wrap my towel around my waist, and shake my wet hair. Running over to my locker, I quickly grab my gear. I throw everything on and do a quick ‘inspection’ of the locker’s contents. I can never be too careful when Jose is lurking around. “Okay, everything seems good to go”, I say to myself. I grab a wallet-size picture of Melanie out of my backpack and hang it on the locker door next to the tiny mirror. My hair is a little damp and the dark brown strands start to form a wave. I comb my fingers through my hair to tame the forming curls. My hair isn’t long enough to touch my neck, but I keep it this length because Melanie likes to comb her fingers through it and grab onto it. Thinking about my dream last night, I silently chuckle.

“Duke, get your ass on the field!” Coach yells at me and I practically jump out of my skin. “Sorry, Coach, I’m coming.” I grab my mask and run outside onto the field. Let’s do this.


My phone chimes as I make my turkey sandwich and I glance down to see the text.

Melanie: I’m here. Let me up. ;)

Me: Ok, I’m coming down now.

I finish making the sandwich, take a bite, and head downstairs to let Melanie in. Opening the door for her, I pull her inside and get her backpack for her. I place her things on the floor in the corner. As I put them down, I feel her arms wrap around me from behind and she asks, “How was practice? I saw you running up and down the field, hauling ass. You had a lot of energy out there.”

I turn around, grab her hip with my free hand, and kiss her lips. Mmm, she tastes good. I only intend to kiss her softly, but she suddenly pushes her tongue into my mouth and tickles it against mine. Oh fuck, that’s hot! I groan softly and can feel heat rising. I pull her in closer and brush my tongue against her bottom lip. She chuckles, looks up at me, and says, “You taste like turkey.”

I look down at the sandwich in my right hand; it’s all squashed and the contents are all over the floor. Apparently, I didn’t realize I was squeezing it while kissing Melanie. She glances down to my sandwich and busts out laughing. I look at her and join in on the laughter. She grabs my hand and pulls me toward the kitchen. “Come on, let’s clean that up and make us some sandwiches”.

“Hey, this was not my fault. You distracted me. I lost my bearings.”

She glances over her shoulder at me. “Nope, you invited me over. This was all you.” she says as she waves her finger toward me. She smiles at me and then retreats to the kitchen. I grab the paper towels and a mop to clean up the mess on the floor. As she begins to make the sandwiches, I stop to give her a peck on the cheek, and just as I pass her, I give her a quick slap on the ass, and then jet out of the kitchen laughing hysterically.