He shrugs his shoulder, “Yeah me, neither, but I figured I might as well make an appearance.”

I pat his shoulder and pull him toward the dining table, “Come on, let’s go grab something to eat while the girls are occupied.”

Fifteen minutes later, the girls finally find us and Melanie pulls me onto the dance floor just as the D.J. starts to play, Don’t you Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia.

Melanie shouts, “I absolutely love this song!!”

I place my hands on her hips and pull her close as we sway along to the beat. Her head bops up and down and she smiles with excitement and joy. I look around to see the dance floor filled with students raising their hands in the air, anticipating the sick beat drop. Melanie throws my arms above my head, and as the beat finally drops, the crowd yells with excitement as the song quickens in pace. Everyone flails their arms in the air and jumps up and down, bumping into one another as the song continues to soar throughout the room. I hear Melanie sing along as she wraps her arms around my head.

The song fades away as it ends and I turn to head off and grab a drink, until the D.J. starts the next song, Animals by Martin Garrix, and I’m pulled back onto the dance floor.

Melanie begins to dance, “Oh no, you’re not getting away that easy. We are going to dance most of the night, Duke.”

The crowd goes wild as the song blasts and all I see are fists pumping in the air, including mine. I hear a few people shout, “Jersey Fist Pump!” and I laugh as I hold Melanie close with one arm and pump with the other.

After about five songs, I whisper to Melanie that I need a rest and head to the table to get a drink and sit for a bit. She stays on the dance floor and grabs Taylor as her new partner. After a moment of rest and a bathroom break, I look around to see if I can find Rob, and as always, he’s nowhere in sight. I pull my phone from my pocket and send him a quick text.

Me: You on your way? You’re an hour late.

Five minutes pass without a response so I figure he decided to skip prom; I don’t blame him. I put my phone back into my pocket and decide to find Melanie. I know I’ll have to talk to her soon but I won’t ruin her prom. I’m not that cruel, am I?

I see her dancing along with her girlfriends and notice sweat dripping down her face. Damn, that girl loves to dance. I grab a napkin and stick it in my pocket as I make my way back to the dance floor. The current song comes to an end as I see the D.J. going through his next set list and starts to play, Just Hold On, We’re Going Home by Drake.

Taylor is staring at something across the hallway near the entrance, “Hey, man. What’s going on?”

Taylor nods his head toward the hallway entrance, “Rob’s here,” and he walks away and heads to the back of the ballroom. I turn to look at Rob at the entrance, but suddenly, I stop dead in my tracks and my breath catches. Raya is here with Rob.

Even though they are a few feet away, I can see her perfectly clear and she’s breathtakingly exquisite in that dress. It’s a long, elegant lavender dress that touches the floor. The bottoms fluffs out like a princess’s gown and the sequined, strapless top curves around her petite chest. Her dark hair curls perfectly along her shoulder blades and flows down her smooth and exposed back.

She and Rob catch my eye and approach me; still stunned in place. As they close the distance, I see her dazzling smile and I smile in response. I hear Drake’s song continue to play throughout the room and suddenly wonder if this is it. Is this the girl that’s meant for me?

Rob bumps my arm, awakening me from my trance, “Hey, bro. I made it!”

I look at Raya, “What are you doing here? I thought you couldn’t come.”

She shakes her head, “My mom took care of it and surprised me with a dress. So I called Rob to come get me and here we are.”

Her face lights up with pure happiness, I can’t help but pull her close and hug her deeply. I whisper into her ear, “I’m glad you’re here. You look magnificent in that dress.”

She reaches up to give me a quick kiss on the cheek, “Thank you. You’re lookin’ good yourself, Duke.”

Melanie squeals from behind me and I let go of Raya just as she runs up, “You made it!!! I can’t believe you’re here. I thought you weren’t coming.”

“Yeah, my mother surprised me! I didn’t believe her at first. But I’m here!”

Melanie claps her hands in approval and grabs Raya to pull her onto the dance floor, “Let’s dance, girl. Show me your moves.”

As Melanie pulls her onto the floor, Raya turns to look at me and all I say is, “Have fun. You deserve it.”

She smiles and follows Melanie onto the floor just as Take Me Home by Cash Cash begins to play. The two girls dance along to the music and allow the melody to take over their movements. Their dresses wave against their bodies and their arms swing in the air as the music blasts. I see Rob stroll up behind them, spin them both around to face him, and the three of them bop, whirl, and bounce to the beats of the song. Raya’s jubilant smile glows through the crowd and captivates my full attention. After a few minutes, I catch myself staring at her and force myself to look away. I head back to the table to grab a seat and see Taylor, slumped in his chair.

“You alright, Taylor?”

He grunts in response; ignoring the question. I stand up and walk over him to find out what his problem is.

“Look, man. I don’t get the attitude, but it’s a mood killer. Take it outside.”

He immediately gets up from his chair and steps so close that our faces are inches from each other. His eyes are red and sweat is beading on his forehead.