She looks out the window again, “Yeah, I know. Most of my wishes don’t come true.”

“I’m sorry. I wish I could change that.”

She turns to look at me and smiles, “Duke, you are a one-of-a-kind. Don’t ever think that you’re not enough. Because, trust me, you are.”

I glance at her and grab a hold of her hand, “Enough for you to stay?”

And with that, she lets go of my hand, turns away, and stares out the window in silence for the duration of the ride.


The sounds of the car stereo blast loudly as I drive toward the mall. I have about five hours until prom starts so that gives me two hours to find a gift. Racing to the mall, I find a parking spot and head to my destination. I arrive at the store in only a matter of minutes. Hopefully, I can find what I’m looking for. I glance at the jewelry locked inside the glass displays. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, dog tags, and earrings sparkle in the shining ambiance.

“Is there something I can help you find, Sir?”

I look at a female jewelry consultant wearing a name tag that says, “Mandy.”

“Hi, Mandy. Yes, I’m actually looking for a birthday gift. She’ll be eighteen and I would like it to be special and original. Maybe a charm or a pin?”

She glances around the store and taps her chin while she thinks. “Hmmm…what are your girlfriend’s hobbies?”

My hands innocently raise up, “Oh, no. She’s not my girlfriend, just a really great friend.”

Her suspicious look threatens my confidence, “Sure, whatever you say. What does she like to do?”

Thinking about Raya’s hobbies, I realize that I can’t think of anything. How do I not know this? I’ve known her for nine months. Come on, Duke, think. Then the idea comes to me.

“Sing. She likes to sing.”

“Okay, she’s a musician. Does she play any instruments?”

I shake my head, “Not that I know of.”

The rolling of her annoyed eyes rubs badly on me and I have the urge to give her a piece of my mind and walk out this damn store, but this is for Raya, so I stay. Mandy walks over to a few silver chains locked in a display and points at one. The little tag attached to it says, ‘white gold 14K, 20” seamless rope’ with a price of two hundred twenty-five dollars.

I growl quietly and glance up at Mandy, “Yeah, this is not original. It’s just a plain necklace.”

“I’m aware of that, but we can create a custom pendant to attach to it.”

Now she’s got my attention. “Okay, is there a catalog that I can look at or can I just give you an idea? How long does it take to make?”

“It usually takes five business days, so definitely put your request in now and you can browse our current designs and we can work from there.”

Forty-five minutes later, the custom order is placed. I have a feeling she will absolutely love it. As I grab my receipt from Mandy and head out of the store, my phone starts to ring. Taking it out of my pocket, I see Melanie’s name illuminate the screen.

“Hey, Mel. I should be over there to get you by seven. Is that good?”

“Hey, baby. Yes, that’s fine. Have you heard from Raya today? She’s supposed to do my hair and makeup but she hasn’t called me back yet.”

Panic starts to build as I begin to run to the exit. “No, I haven’t spoken with her today. What time was she supposed to come over?”

“She’s twenty minutes late and I’ve already called her three times with no answer.”

I make my way out of the mall and jet to the Mustang with phone in hand. The sounds of heavy breathing travels into my phone’s speaker.

“Duke, are you running? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I climb into the car, rev up the engine, and head straight toward Raya’s house.