He laughs out loud, “No, I’m just honest.” He winks at me and returns his attention to Amber as they walk off toward the dance area.

I hear a whisper come up from behind me, “So, how’s your first party?” I know that voice anywhere. I turn around to find Duke smiling at me.

“It’s great! I’m having so much fun!”

“I’m glad. You’ve danced with Taylor all night. Usually, he doesn’t dance at parties, so that was surprising.”

I glance at Taylor who’s across the room, talking to Adam. “Oh well. He’s a good dance partner.”

“Wanna bet?” Duke grabs my hand and leads me onto the dance floor just in time for a new song to start. The speakers start to play Timber by Pitbull and the crowd goes wild as people begin to flood the dance area. My heart literally stops beating and I swear I can’t even breathe because I’m so freaking nervous. I notice that my hand fits so perfectly in Duke’s hand.

The crowd is so packed together that Duke and I are forced to dance closely; maybe a little too close. As the song starts, he sings the lyrics to me and we begin to groove to the music. Melanie was right, he does have a nice voice.

I laugh out loud and raise my hands above my head and sing along with him. The crowd is compact and everyone’s bodies are continuously bumping into one another. Duke looks at me and places his hand on my lower back. A shocking jolt of electricity flows through his touch and my eyes widen. He immediately removes his hand from my back and instead keeps his hand by his side. I can still feel the heat flow where his hand was placed, and I miss it being there. We continue dancing as I give him a reassuring smile. He winks and continues to sing and twirl me around.

I bob my head to the beat and shake my body with everything I have. As we dance together, I no longer pay attention to what’s around me. It’s as if Duke and I are the only ones dancing, and as I stare at him, I get lost in the wonder of what could be. Someone from behind me pushes me forward and I fall against Duke’s strong and broad chest as he catches me. We stare into each other’s eyes for a brief moment before he breaks the contact and helps me stand on my own.

“You alright?”

I laugh nervously, “Yeah, sorry. Just crowded, that’s all.”

The song ends and the crowd begins to clear, leaving only a few stragglers. Duke looks at his watch. “It’s getting late. We should get going.”

“Okay. I have to use the restroom first.”

After I use the restroom, Duke finds Melanie among the crowd and we say our goodbyes. Taylor tells me he’ll call soon as he hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. When we pull up to my driveway, Melanie asks, “So, was it a night to remember?” I smile and catch Duke looking at me through the rearview mirror, “Yes, yes it was.”


A few weeks pass, and before I know it, winter break is just around the corner. Most of my classmates are looking forward to two weeks without school, but not me. Craig will be on vacation during the holiday weeks and I intend to avoid him at all cost. My plan is to work during the day and hopefully stay in my room all night; and do it all again the next day.

It’s the last day of finals week and I’m so ready to get these damn tests over with. Duke, Melanie, Taylor, and I have gotten together a few times after school to study for finals. Ever since the Halloween party, Taylor calls or texts me at least three times a week. We’ve become good friends and I’ve slowly opened up to him. He even visits me at work and hangs out for a couple hours just to keep me company.

As I lie in bed, waiting for my alarm to go off, I think about how my life has changed these past few months. I never would have thought that I would have a group of caring and true friends. Melanie came over to the house last week, while Craig was out of town, and she spent the weekend. We had a blast talking about the guys, watching Brad Pitt films, vegging out on junk food, and sharing beauty tips. Despite Sandy’s threat, Duke and I are still closer than ever. I can’t get that night out of mind—the way it felt when he placed his hand on me—I can still feel the heat from that spot in my lower back. Just thinking about it now gives me butterflies and I smile. Sometimes, I wonder if Melanie feels threatened by my and Duke’s friendship, but she never gives anything away. All I see is her compassion and true kindness toward us. Not one hint of jealousy or spite radiates off of her. I’m lucky to have her and I’m grateful she understands the dynamics of my friendship with Duke.

The alarm clock goes off and I throw my covers off, forcing myself to get ready for the last day of school before winter break starts. I bring my phone with me into the bathroom and turn on the shower. Opening the Pandora app, I select the Kelly Clarkson radio and Catch My Breath begins to play. As I wash myself in the shower, I sing along and groove to the music. Minutes later, I’m drying my hair and getting dressed until suddenly I hear Craig yelling. I turn off the music and listen in to confirm it was him yelling. I hear more shouting as my heart drops and I run out of the bathroom and head downstairs.

I catch him screaming at my mom in the kitchen as she’s crying over the sink while washing the dishes. My anger begins to boil and I feel the heat rising into my cheeks.

“What is going on here?”

Craig and my mom turn to face me and he pulls her away from the kitchen and into the living room. I follow closely behind, “Let go of her, you asshole!”

Craig’s eyes turn dark and growls, “What did you call me?”

I step up closer to him and reach for my mother. I take a good look at her and she looks ill and feverish. She should be in bed resting, not being subjected to this prick.

“Raya, honey, it’s okay. I’m not feeling well so I overslept a little. I’m okay, though. Go get ready for school before you’re late.”

“No, fuck that, Mom! I’m tired of this bullshit.” I look at Craig and try to stand my ground but inside I’m terrified.

“Let go of her. Can’t you see she’s sick and you’re only making it worse? I will stay home and keep the house tidy, but she needs her rest.”

“First of all, the next time you call me an asshole, I will show you what an asshole truly is. Second of all, she’s my wife and she does what I tell her. Now, go to school before you piss me off even more.”

I am not taking no for answer and I won’t leave my mother alone with him today. I open my mouth to object to his request and suddenly he slaps me across the face, causing me to feel dizzy, and I slightly lose my balance. My left cheek burns from the sting of his hand and tears begin to fill my eyes.

“Didn’t I tell you to go to school? Or do you want to learn a lesson right here?” His fierce eyes pierce into me and his broad stance towers over me. He reaches out to grab my arm and pulls me toward the stairs.