I put on my bra and skirt, jump off the bed, and rush into a corner, sinking to the floor. Shouting and gun shots continue to fire so I cover my ears with my hands. My body trembles in the corner as the shouting comes closer and closer to my room. My pounding heart beats against my chest and I look around the room to make sure it’s empty. Everything is blurry and spinning, an effect from the high. I shake my head trying to gain some composure and focus on my surroundings.

There is more yelling outside of my door and it sounds as though something slams against it. I jump as the loud noise rockets through my bones. My breathing is erratic as I await what’s on the other side of the door, threatening to get in. The door handle twists slowly until gun shots are fired and bullets rush past the wooden frame. I scream for my life, praying that I don’t get hit in the crossfire.

In that moment, West comes barreling into the room and finds me hiding in the corner.

He rushes to me and places his arms around me, “Are you okay?”

I nod my head as he stands up, pulling me up with him. “Come on, we need to leave.”

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere safe. I’m getting you out of here.”

Someone in a black combat uniform barges into the room, holding an AK47 Assault Rifle, and points it directly at West. Shit, SWAT is here!!

West holds up his hands in surrender, “Stop! I am Special Agent Westley and have been assigned to this unit as its operative.”

The SWAT member keeps his gun aimed at West, “Credentials. Now!”

West speaks a code of letters and numbers, which I have no idea how to interpret, but I guess it was the right one, because the SWAT guy exits the room.

West turns to me and I stare at him, completely shocked and taken aback by what just happened. My eyes grow wide as he looks at me, hinting not to say too much.

I finally speak, “You’re undercover?”

He nods his head, “Yes, for ten years now. The FBI got wind of Derrick and this ring and placed me here to keep an eye on him.”

I shake my head as I take in this new information, “I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything. No one can know.”

He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door, “We need to leave now before they burn this place to the ground.”

I let him lead me toward the door, he carefully pulls it open, and we rush into the hall. The walls are covered in splatters of blood and the floor is littered with bodies. I see a few of Derrick’s men dead as we step over them, running toward the stairs to the exit.

I try my best to keep up with West but my body is sluggish. “Where’s Derrick?”

“I don’t know, that’s why we need to get out of here.”

We make our way down the final stretch through the halls to reach the staircase. As we turn the corner, we are stopped by a bloodied Derrick, pointing his pistol right at us.

He growls, “Where you going with her?”

West releases me and calmly approaches Derrick, “I was getting her out of here, just like you wanted. We were on our way to the safe house.”

Derrick glares at West, “You know the safe house was for me and her, not you. Leave us; I’ll take her from here.”

Derrick lays down his gun and starts to walk toward me but West stands in the way.

“Sir, I think it’s best if I accompany you; for extra protection.”

Derrick gazes at him with suspicion, “I’ve already decided. Now leave us.”

Derrick rushes to me and grabs my arm, pulling me further into the house. In an instant, West comes up behind us and yanks me out of Derrick’s grasp. Derrick spins around, only to be caught with West’s fist in his face. He immediately crashes into the wall behind him. West grabs my hand and we run for the exit, “Hurry, Raya!”

Moments later, a gun fires and West cries out in pain as he falls to the ground. I bend down next to him and a see stream of blood oozing from the side of his abdomen.

“No! West…no!”