“You will never find her!”

The guard pulls me out of the visitation hall and toward the exit. I glance back at Melanie who’s following close behind us. We arrive at the exit and the guard lets go of my arms.

“Next time, you’ll be detained. I would recommend that you do not return.”

I walk back to the Mustang and unlock the doors, helping Melanie into her seat before I walk around to the driver side and climb in. We sit in silence for a few seconds until I can no longer control my anger. I begin to punch the steering wheel and yell out in anger and disgust. The hatred I have for that man has completely doubled and all I see is Raya sleeping with another man.

I continue to punch the wheel, “Fuck…fuck..fuck! I hate that fucking asshole!”

Melanie reaches over to steady my arms and hushes me to relax.

“Duke, calm down. All you’re doing is letting him win. Can’t you see that?”

I stop punching the steering wheel and close my eyes, allowing myself to slowly concentrate on calming down. Melanie wraps her arm around my head and pulls it to rest on her shoulder.

She slowly soothes away my pain and anger as I breathe in and out. I don’t know what to do now. Perhaps visiting Craig was the wrong idea. W

hat if he’s right? What if she moved on and met someone else? What if she completely forgot about me?

As I think about Raya forgetting about me, a stream of tears spills down my face and onto Melanie’s shoulder. I begin to sob quietly as my mixed and buried emotions crash to the surface. As I cry, she rubs the top of my head and consoles me with a nurturing tenderness.

We sit in the car for about ten minutes as I let everything out. Melanie doesn’t complain and takes it all in. She continues to nurse my inner wounds as my tears spill out until I have no more to shed. I lift my head off her shoulder which is now soaked with my tears.

She cups my cheek, “Are you okay?”

I let out a deep breath, “No, I won’t be okay until I find her.”


His soft brown eyes bore into my soul and warm my cold heart. His affectionate and tender touch makes my skin tingle, blazing it to life. His hands roam all over my body, causing my legs to seize with pleasure. My breath catches as his lips kiss mine, making the hairs on my arms stand up. His warm breath caresses my body as he lays a trail of kisses along my neck.

I close my eyes as he continues to adore my body and bring it back to life with each and every touch.

He whispers softly, “You’re so beautiful.”

I run my hands up and down his strong and bare chest as he tangles his legs with mine. His hands rub my lower stomach as his trail of kisses moves further south. I pant louder as I try to catch a breath. My senses are on overload as everything I feel is completely heightened when he is with me.

I move my hands into his hair and pull slightly as he gasps in ecstasy.

His soothing voice hums, “I want you. I need you.”

I nod my head in approval as he smiles with excitement and anticipation. He kisses me deeply, causing sensations of passion to soar from my lips to my toes. God, I love this man.

His body leaves mine and he walks over to grab something off the dresser. In an instant, a splash of freezing cold water covers my entire body.

My eyes shoot open as I awaken to Derrick staring down at me with fire in his eyes.

I shake away my dream and jump out of the bed, my clothes dripping wet. Derrick puts the empty bucket on the floor and slaps me hard across the face.

He roars, “You will not dream of another man while you are mine!”

I touch my cheek and rub away the sting of his hand. No matter how many times he hits me, the sting doesn’t get any easier to handle. I look at him and realize he’s only in his underwear. It dawns on me that as I was dreaming of Duke, Derrick was the one touching me. My stomach churns as bile threatens to spill out of my mouth. Imagining Derrick touching me makes my skin crawl and I have the urge to kick his face in.

I can’t help but notice his erection bulging in his briefs and I roll my eyes. A shiver travels through my body and I let out a deep sigh. He’s such a fucking asshole. He grabs my shoulders and forces me to kneel down in front of him as he drops his boxer briefs and releases his dick from the bounds of his underwear. Oh god, not this again.

He pulls my head toward his dick, “Well, you know what to do. And don’t even think about biting or I’ll bash your head into the wall.”

I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and open my mouth wide to take him in. Instantly, he hisses with pleasure as my mouth sucks him off for his morning nut. His dick grows thicker as I continue my pace. He reaches down and grabs a fist full of my hair and pulls hard. I yelp in pain as his hand bunches my hair into knots. I suddenly have the urge to bite him, but decide to save that for another time.