
I continue to struggle and break free from their grips, but it’s not enough. No matter how hard I thrash my body, or how loud I scream, it’s hopeless. No one is going to help me. As I’m carried off deeper into the tunnel, I hear Derrick speak behind us. He instructs the men to stop and change their course and head the other direction. I try to lift my head to see where we are headed, but it’s no use. I’m too exhausted from the previous escape attempt.

The blood from my forehead runs down to my neck and my arms are starting to fall asleep from lack of blood flow. The men lead me around a few corridors until we stop at the end of the hall. Derrick opens the dungeon door in front of us and enters the room.

Suddenly, I hear Layla screaming, “No, get away from me!”

My heart plummets into my stomach and I kick as hard as I can at my assailant. He maintains his balance and his grip on my legs. I scream for Layla but it’s muffled from the duct tape. The men carry me into the room and stand me upright. One of them grabs a pair of handcuffs and fastened my wrists behind my back. The other tightly grips his hand around my neck.

Layla focuses on me, realizing I’m unable to save her, “Raya…”

Derrick approaches Layla and bends down to take a good look at her. He reaches out to touch her blonde curly hair, but she tries to bite his hand, causing him to flinch away.

“Go to hell, you prick!”

He snarls, “Honey, I’m already here.”

He looks at me from the corner of his dark eyes, “Because of your misbehavior, your friend will receive the punishment.”

My muffled screams of protests escape my lungs but my neck is firmly compressed. Tears run down my face as Derrick climbs onto the bed next to Layla. She tries to kick him off but he blocks her attack and backhands her. She cries out in agony while he hastily pulls off her black skirt.

Her wails echo throughout the room as she tries to pull out of the metal chains. She thrashes her body until Derrick sits on top, applying his full weight to her. He pins her legs underneath his and he runs his hands up and down her thighs. I start to feel absolutely sick just watching this and am so pissed. The heat from my anger boils my skin as I sweat profusely. My hands ball into hard fists and I try to twist out of the handcuffs.

She whimpers, “Please don’t.”

He answers, “Remember, this is Raya’s fault.”

He reaches to slowly unbutton her white blouse and gradually pulls it off, exposing her white lace bra. Her chest bobs up and down from her heavy breathing and she’s terrified. Her body trembles underneath his rough and hard body.

He bends lower, and I can’t tell, but I think he bites her nipple through her bra. At this point, she’s completely frozen—not moving at all. His hand grazes across her bra and around her back, slowly lifting her up toward him. He unclasps her bra and she falls back to the bed. Right when Derrick puts his mouth on her exposed breast, I try to look away, but my handler keeps my head still. I close my eyes tight as I try to focus on something else. Anything but here.

I try to tune out her whimpers and sobs, but the terrorizing sounds cause my skin to crawl.

Derrick whispers to her but I can’t make out what he says. The chains clank against the wooden bed; she must be shaking. My senses are on high alert as I struggle to take control of the anger seeping out of me. I’m no longer scared or frightened. All that matters at this moment is getting Layla out of here.

With full force, I push the back of my head into the holder’s nose, pounding as hard as I can, hoping it breaks. He lets go of my neck as his hand goes to his injured nose. I spin kick him in the face, causing him to fly backward. I pace my breathing through my nose to ensure I can take the next guy out with only two kicks. The other man rushes up to me, swinging wildly, but I duck and step back out of the way. I kick him right in the balls and he goes down easily.

At that moment, Derrick picks me up and I go flying into the wall. Since my arms are handcuffed, I have no way to brace for impact. My body crashes into the cement wall and I tumble to the floor. My already dislocated shoulder throbs in pain and my head spins as everything goes fuzzy. I hear Layla’s pleas fade away into the darkness as my eyes close and everything fades to black.

The whispers of Derrick and the other men slowly grow louder as I open my eyes. The pounding in my head beats so hard, it’s making me nauseous. I look around and I see I’m back in the room where they first had me. They must have carried me here from Layla’s room. Everything is still blurry and spinning. Fuck, I’m dizzy. I shake my head to gain a proper perspective.

As my surroundings slowly come into focus, I realize I’m lying on the bed, my arms chained to the posts. I try to wiggle my arms out, but really, what’s the point? The sound of the metal chains alerts Derrick and his men. They turn their attention to me and all three of them smile wickedly.

One of the men complains, “The bitch is awake. Can we teach her a lesson now?” He starts to walk toward the bed, but Derrick holds him back.

Derrick’s malicious eyes bore into my soul, “Leave us. I want this one all to myself.”

His men comply with his demands and lock the door behind them. Derrick slowly creeps up to my bed and takes off my heels. I try to kick at him, but my body is so weak from the previous fighting. My legs feel so heavy and I can’t manage to build the amount of force I need to defend myself. He reaches for my slacks and unbuttons them.

The panic of what’s about to happen builds, making it difficult to breathe. As I try to stay calm and breathe, I start to tremble. Derrick slides my pants off my legs and tosses them to the floor. I flinch the minute his nasty and disgusting hands touch my legs.

I clench my teeth and gulp, praying that I can make it through this horrifying experience. As his hands run up and down my legs, tears run down my face.

He wipes one away, “Relax. Soon you will learn to enjoy this.”

I seethe, “Fuck you, I will never enjoy this. Never.”

He smirks, “We’ll see about that. One day you will beg for more.”