Derrick nods toward me, “Raya is one of my best students. In only a few months, she has improved tremendously. I’m very impressed with her.” He looks at me and winks.

I blush slightly and clear my throat, “So, have you all decided on the menu?”

I take their orders and key them into the kiosk. Layla is across the bar, nodding her head at me with a mischievous look on her face. Oh Layla, what are you thinking?

Forty-five minutes later, I place the check on Derrick’s table, “Thank you for coming out tonight. Have a great evening.”

Before I walk away, Derrick stands to grab my hand. “I can’t wait to see you in class on Thursday. Maybe we can get brunch after class?”

I gulp, “Oh, umm…” I glance to the back and see Layla staring at us, clapping her hands and jumping up and down.

I return my gaze to Derrick. “Sure. That would be fine.”

Derrick’s smile grows, exposing his perfect white teeth, “Great! I’ll see you on Thursday.”

He lets go of my hand, “Have a good evening, Raya.”

I retreat with a smile and suddenly realize, Oh my god. I said yes to him.

As I walk to the back of the bar, Layla squeals, “See? I told you. Lucky bitch!”

I laugh, “Yes, you were right.”

“EEEK! So, when’s the date? Where are you going? I need details!”

Now I have the urge to crawl under a rock and hide, “Thursday after class. We’re going out for brunch.”

“Seriously, Raya, the man is hot. His wavy blond hair, blue eyes, athletic and powerful —build—”

“Geez, Layla, maybe you should go out with him.”

She snorts, “Oh no, he’s all yours, honey.”

I laugh at her amusing remarks and prepare myself for the next round of guests as they enter the restaurant. Thinking about seeing Derrick again has my stomach in knots and I start to sweat. Shit, I don’t know if I’m ready for this. I try to shake away the unease. Just relax. He’s just a friend.

On Thursday morning, I wake up ready to take on the day and head out to the gym. After another long two hours of front kicks, jabs, and roundhouses, Derrick tells me to meet him outside the gym so he can change into clean clothing. I look down at my sweaty clothes and realize I should have brought a change of clothes as well. Oh well, too late now.

Fifteen minutes later, he meets me outside, “So, are you ready?”

I smile, “Yup, I’m actually starving.”

He gestures ahead, “Come on. It’s just a few blocks away.”

We walk side-by-side down the sidewalk and discuss the kickboxing class.

“So, tell me what made you decide on kickboxing.”

I try to think of a logical explanation without giving too much away. “Well, I wanted to keep in shape and it’s a fun workout. Besides, it’s always good for a woman to know how to defend herself.”

Derrick nods, “Oh yes, I agree a hundred percent. It’s a dangerous city and women definitely need to stay aware of their surroundings as well as understand the fundamentals of proper defense.”

A few minutes later, he guides me into a small but quaint coffee shop. We make our way to the line and I look at the menu.

Derrick leans in, “Have you been here before?”

“Actually, no I haven’t. What would you recommend?”

He taps his chin with a finger as he thinks, “Hmm…well, definitely try the cherry Danish, but their eggs benedict sandwich is amazing!”