“Duke, honey, how are you?”

A feeling of relief washes over me and I thank god that her mother is here. “I’m fine, Ma’am. I just came to see Raya. We all miss her and want to make sure she’s okay. Can I talk to her?”

Genna glances nervously at Craig before she responds to me, “Actually, Raya isn’t feeling well. She’s been really sick and it could be contagious, that’s why she hasn’t been in school. Don’t worry, as soon as she’s better, she’ll return.”

She tries to assure me with a smile but I don’t believe her. Something’s wrong and her parents are hiding it from me. But what can I do? I can’t just barge into their home.

“Can you please have her call me? I just need to talk to her.”

“She will, Duke. Now, hurry on home. You’re soaked and I wouldn’t want you to get sick as well.”

Craig stares at me with a rage I’ve never seen before and I feel an uneasiness descend upon me. I can’t leave Raya with this asshole here in the home.

“You can leave now, kid.” Craig pulls Genna out of the way and slams the door shut. I peek into the house and see them head into the kitchen and out my line of vision. Shit, I know she’s in there. I walk down the front steps and around the side of the house to see if there are any windows with open curtains. Nothing. Shit.

My body begins to heat to a boil as my anger builds up again. I comb my hands through my wet hair and grind my teeth. Maybe I should call the cops? What would I say? I suspect something’s going on because this guy is a prick and radiates a bad vibe? My instincts are never wrong. I know Raya needs me. Fuck it. I’ll call them.

As soon as I take out my phone to dial 9-1-1, I get a text message from Raya and I read it.

Raya: Backyard…now

Me: Ok

I wipe the rain off my face and walk to the backyard, but it’s empty. I glance around but no one’s here. My phone dings notifying a new text has been received.

Raya: look up

I look up to find her peering out of her bedroom window waiving at me and she immediately puts her finger to her lips, hinting at me to be quiet. I nod in response and watch her point at a ladder that’s leaning against the house. I give her an “are you out of your fucking mind?” look and she laughs quietly. I shake my head and chuckle silently as I make my way to the ladder. She “shhhs” me and pleads with her eyes. I pray that I don’t break my neck, as it’s still raining, and slowly make my way up the ladder.

As I approach the second floor, I realize I have to walk on the roof to get to her window. Well, damn, I feel like Indiana Jones right now, coming to rescue his princess. Taking a deep breath in and out, I slowly and carefully walk across the roof toward her window, while holding on to anything I can. Did I mention I hate heights? Don’t look down, Duke.

She reaches an arm out to me

and I grab on to it as I approach her window. Climbing in her bedroom as quietly as I can, she shuts the window behind me. I glance around her room to find it a very comfortable and spacious, typical girl bedroom. Posters on the white walls with green trim, décor on the dresser, and a few clothes scattered around. I turn around to face her only to notice her right eye is cut, swollen, and badly bruised.

My eyes widen in shock and she immediately covers my mouth with her hands just as I’m about to express my anger.

She whispers, “Duke, don’t. Please be quiet.” She creeps toward her bedroom door and fiddles with the doorknob to confirm it’s locked. Then she turns to me and pulls me into her bathroom and shuts the door.

“Raya, what the fuck is going on? Did that bastard do this to you? How long has this been going on?”

Raya begins to cry so I pull her into me and wrap my arms around her. My heart breaks for her. If I had known this was going on, I would have put a stop to it a long time ago.

“Raya, please. Let me in. I’m here to protect you. Please don’t shut me out. I’ll do anything for you.” Her body trembles, so I pull her in closer and kiss the top of her head. I feel a tear run down my face and only wish I can take away her pain. I’m going to kill that fucker.

I soothe her and hold her close as I rub my hand through her long wavy hair. Her crying is quiet but deep. We stand there for about ten minutes before she begins to pull away. Her clothes are now wet from mine and she shivers a little. I let go of her and pull her face up toward mine so I can take a look at her eye. It’s completely black and blue and swollen with a hint of dried blood on the corner.

“Raya, when did he hit you?”

She breathes deeply and looks away from me, “It happened Sunday night. He was angry at my mother and I got in the way and opened my big mouth.”

My blood begins to boil, and I have to close my eyes to calm myself down, but can feel the sweat on my hands build up as my fists clinch.

“Has this happened before?”

“Yes, it’s been going on for a few years now. But this is the first time that he’s hit me. Usually, he yells and threatens to hit, but never actually does it, until a few days ago.”

“Raya, you need to call the police. He’ll just keep doing it and every time it will get worse. I’ll go with you to the precinct if you want me to.”