I closed the window screen between us and the driver and pulled her into my lap. “Do you know why I love you so much? Why you’ll always be the only woman for me? It’s not just because you’re beautiful and sweet. It’s the way you make me feel inside. The person I am when I’m with you. I was no angel before we met. I had my share of women… no don’t tense up.” She’s such a virgin.

“As I was saying, I’ve had a lot of women starting from the time I was too young to know what the hell I was doing. But none of them, not one, comes close to you. I never wanted to wake up beside them every morning, to start every new day knowing that they would be there at the end of it waiting for me. I have that with you, that and so much more.” I wiped away the tears that escaped from her eyes. Now that I had her heart and head in the right place and we were coming up to my parents’ home, it was time to banish the tears.

“ And besides all that, who else could take me as well as you do? Who else has a pussy so deep it teases my cockhead until I think I’ll go insane?”

“Sam stop it.” She laughed and looked towards the panel as if the driver could hear us.

“I’m just saying.” I kissed her hand and held it in mine against my round pregnant belly. “I love you.”

The car came to a stop and we waited to be let out. I kept my hand around her waist as I led her up the stairs and rang the bell. Mom nabbed her as soon as the door opened and I didn’t see her again for another ten minutes. I made the rounds seeing faces I hadn’t in months and was relieved to see that there were no undesirables here.

“Looking for someone?” My nosy ass sister sidled up to me and whispered as we looked over the room.

“Nope.” I took a sip of champagne.

“She’s not coming. I went through mom’s guest list and did a purge.” I looked at her out the side of my eye.

“What or who the hell are you talking about?”

“You know damn good and well who, and you’re lucky I got ahold of it or you’d be knee deep in ex-slags.” She walked her nosy ass away and I exhaled. Annoying little sisters do have their uses after all.

I went in search of my wife who I’d been so worried about and got a shock. I came up short in the doorway to the kitchen where she was standing way too close to some fuck in a cheap monkey suit. The sight was so unexpected that it took me a minute to process. “What the fuck!”

“Oh, hi Sam, have you met Ryan?” Excuse me? Why the fuck was she laughing with this shill? I walked into the room and took my place beside my wife, giving the asshole the death glare. “Ryan is working his way through college, he spends his summers working for the catering company that’s here tonight.” Well la di fucking da. I barely nodded in his direction the smarmy fuck.

“We were just talking about the last Star Wars movie.” What the fuck? I didn’t even know she liked that shit. They talked over their favorite points of the movie series and all the while I wanted to hurt him. He moved onto the baby next and that was my cue. The fuck he needs to know about my kid?

I knew from his nervous reaction that he’d been hitting on my wife, she didn’t seem to notice, but I let him know that I was onto his shit without uttering a word.

I got her away from him as soon as I could without raising a stink, but I so badly wanted to punch him in his fucking face. “Don’t do that again.” I said the words through gritted teeth as we walked into the room where the guests were gathered.

“Do what?” Was that a grin?

“Don’t disappear with strange men.”

“Sam, I was in your mom’s kitchen, there’re like fifty people here. What could possibly go wrong?” She can’t be that green, wait a minute, yes she can. “I don’t want you alone with strange men okay.” Did I just say that?

“But why? We were just talking, he wasn’t even flirting.” Oh-ho, so that was a grin I saw.

“You playing me?” Good girl. “So tell me, what was the point?”

“No point, I was just having an innocent conversation with a very nice young man.” I can read between the lines. I know I’ve said the same thing or some variation to her a time or two and I have to say, I don’t fucking like it. “Come.”