“Oui, me, too! They must have survived my birth control pill. That is the only way because I was vigilant with them,” Margot said.

As Sebastian and Margot got to talking about sperm, Christian turned to find that Shea was no longer by his side, but sitting at one of the tables, talking to Christian’s father. They were both smiling, so Christian was guessing it was a light and happy conversation. He decided to let Shea be and talk to him later.

Christian was clapped on the back a minute later. He turned to see Henry with Adalyn in his arms in just a diaper and covered in chocolate. It was everywhere, in her hair, all over her arms and legs, and smeared all over her face and body. Christian couldn’t help but laugh.

“I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I didn’t mean to make you so uncomfortable,” Henry said quietly.

Christian shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you alright? You looked like you were going to pass out earlier,” Henry asked, concern drawing his brows down.

“I’m fine now, seriously, don’t worry about it,” Christian assured him.

Henry nodded. “Okay.” He then shoved Adalyn into his arms. “Here, take the chocolate monster so I can go get the hose.”

Henry’s naked torso and arms were smeared in chocolate from holding his daughter. Christian held her out and away from his body so he didn’t end up like Henry. Adalyn giggled and kicked her chubby little legs.

“Should I just toss her in the pool?” Christian chuckled.

Henry barked out a laugh. “Hell no! I don’t want chocolate in my pool!”

“Too late!” Claire called.

Christian saw Henry whip his head around in the direction of the pool. Christian turned to see Sebastian standing on the steps, dipping Michael in the water to wash the chocolate off him.

“Dammit! Sebastian!” Henry shouted and started toward him.

Christian watched as Henry took Michael from him, handed him off to a laughing Raelynn, before taking a flying leap at Sebastian who was laughing hysterically on the pool steps. Henry caught Sebastian around the waist and they both flew back into the pool. When they came up out of the water, Henry had Sebastian in a headlock. Sebastian surged up out of the water and flipped Henry over his shoulder. Christian shook his head as the two continued to wrestle and tried to drown each other.

“I’ll take her, Christian,” Claire said, bringing his attention away from his crazy ass brothers.

Claire and Raelynn were standing there smiling. “We’re going to stick these two in the outdoor shower,” Raelynn said.

Christian laughed. “Okay,” he said and handed Adalyn to Claire.

As they walked away, Christian heard Quinn yell, “CANNONBECK!” He turned just in time to see Quinn leap into the air, hug one knee to his chest, and splash into the pool right next to Henry and Sebastian. Christian laughed and shook his head as Quinn got in on the fight, jumping on Sebastian’s back. Christian figured he better get in there to make it even.

Shea turned in his chair when he heard Christian yell, “PENCILBECK!” He had no freaking idea what the hell a “PencilBeck” was, so he had watch and find out. Christian stood on the edge of the pool at the deep end, hopped off the ledge, keeping his arms flat to his sides, his body completely ridged and straight, as he entered the water. Shea understood now what a “PencilBeck” was. He laughed and shook his head. Idiot.

When Christian came up out of the water, he swam over to his brothers and climbed on Henry’s back. Sebastian screamed, “CHICKEN FIGHT!” and Shea groaned. Four grown ass men were going to have a chicken fight? Really?

“I swear, they stopped maturing at ten,” Henry Sr. murmured next to him.

Shea chuckled and watched as Christian got on Henry’s shoulders and Quinn got on Sebastian’s. Shea couldn’t get over how vicious the four of them fought. Quinn and Christian shoved at each other, while Henry and Sebastian tried to shove each other’s faces in the water. Quinn, at one point, palmed Christian’s face and pushed hard. Christian almost went down, his arms pin wheeled, but Henry grabbed one of his wrists and pulled him back up. The smile on Christian’s face as he played with his brothers warmed Shea’s heart like nothing else. He could see what Christian feared losing if his brothers didn’t accept him being gay. There was a lot of love and a super tight bond between the four of them. That was also the reason Shea knew that they would never disown him. They loved him too much.

Christian and Henry won, only because Henry gave Sebastian a double titty twister while Christian did the same to Quinn, then pushed. The two men went down instantly, both screaming and covering their nipples. Shea had to laugh, that was Christian and Henry’s signature move. They used it many, many times back in the day when they all went to the public pool during the summer growing up. Quinn and Sebastian must have forgotten about it, Shea sure did.