“Dude, you still have your shoes on.” Christian snickered.

“Don’t care, too tired,” Shea mumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow.

Christian huffed as he grabbed Shea’s shoes and pulled them off, taking off his socks, too, because he knew that Shea hated sleeping with socks on. Christian then got himself undressed. In some ways, this relationship with Shea was going to be a piece of cake because they already knew each other inside out; however, in other ways, it was going to be a struggle. But Christian knew that they could do it, as long as they were both committed to making it work.

“So what should I call you now? Sweetie, pumpkin or kitten? Oh, oh, I know! How about cocksucker?” Shea teased, lifting his head to grin evilly over his shoulder at Christian.

“I might be gay, but I can totally kick your ass,” Christian warned.

“I would say that you’re more likely to fuck my ass than kick it.” Shea snorted, dropping his head back to his pillow.

Christian threw his head back and laughed. He finished getting undressed, leaving only his black boxer/briefs on. He climbed onto the bed next to Shea and collapsed; Christian rolled onto his side facing Shea and stroked a hand over his short hair. Shea hummed softly and snuggled his face closer to his.

“What are you going to tell that girl you’re seeing?” Christian asked.

“The truth,” Shea muttered sleepily.

“You’re going to tell her that you’ve suddenly decided to start a relationship with your gay best friend?”

Shea shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

Christian seriously doubted that Shea was going to tell the girl the truth, but he wasn’t going to argue with him now. Christian put his arm around his waist and pulled him closer. Shea shifted and rolled so that his back pressed against Christian’s front. Christian hummed his approval and wrapped his arm around Shea. Christian tucked his face into the back of his neck and sighed heavily. This felt so right. God, he hoped this relationship worked.

~Chapter 1~

Shea groaned and rolled over. Holy schnikes! His head was absolutely pounding; he drank way too much last night at Sebastian’s wedding, but hell, that was a must at all Beck parties. He stretched and looked down at himself, and he was still fully clothed. Shea rolled his eyes at himself before throwing his legs over the side of the bed as he sat up. He scrubbed his face and the sleep from his eyes before looking around. He was in Christian’s bedroom. Last night came slamming back to the forefront of his mind, the kiss between Christian and him, their conversation, everything…

Holy Mother of God! Christian is his boyfriend!

Shea whipped his throbbing head around to look at the other side of the bed where Christian was sprawled out on his stomach with his head under a pillow, wearing only his underwear. His heart fluttered. Christian, his best friend, was now his boyfriend. Wow…just wow.

Christian grumbled something incoherent and pulled his head out from under the pillow. His hair was a hot mess as he pushed up onto his elbows and rubbed his face. He dragged his eyes open to catch Shea watching him. Christian sighed heavily and hung his head.

“You’ve changed your mind, haven’t you?” he said dejectedly.

“What? No, definitely not,” Shea assured him.

“Then why do you look like you want to run screaming?”

“It just kind of hit me, that’s all. I’m not going to run.”

Christian nodded, but he didn’t look convinced. Shea stood and headed toward the door.

“Where are you going?” Christian asked, a hint of panic in his voice.

“Relax spaz, I gotta take a piss.” Shea chuckled.

“Oh,” replied Christian, who was now blushing.

Shea smiled and shook his head as he walked down the hall to the bathroom. Poor Christian, the guy needed to be medicated, but Christian always refused, saying he didn’t want to be on medication every day. After going to the bathroom and brushing his horrendous dragon breath with an extra toothbrush, Shea headed back to Christian’s room, where he was now sitting on the bed, head hanging, shoulders slumped. Shea pounced on Christian, making them both fall back with Shea on top. He cupped Christian’s face and kissed him on the lips.

“Oh God, maybe I should have waited until you brushed your teeth.” Shea grimaced.

“Nice,” Christian said dryly.

Shea chuckled and gave Christian another small kiss on the mouth. “I’m going to go get some aspirin and coffee.”

Christian nodded. “Alright.”

One more kiss before Shea got up and headed downstairs. The first thing he did was take some aspirin and then he set up the coffee pot. He had just poured coffee into two mugs when Christian walked into the kitchen. To Shea’s surprise, Christian was actually in a pair of plaid pajama pants and no shirt. That was definitely the most dressed down that Christian ever got, and damn he looked fine without a shirt.