“Why not? You are a very handsome man, Christian. I am sure you have women falling at your feet all of the time,” she said, sitting down next to him on the side of the tub.

Why did she have to be so damn persistent?

“Or would you rather it be men?” Margot whispered.

He whipped his head around to stare at her in shock. How that hell did she know? She gave him a gentle smile and nodded as she patted his thigh.

“Oui, that is what I thought.”

Christian’s mouth worked but nothing came out.

“You do not have to worry, I will not say anything, it is your secret to tell,” she said softly then stood and headed for the door.

“Margot!” he called after her.

Margot turned with her hand on the doorknob. She raised an eyebrow and waited for him to continue.

“How?” Christian sputtered.

“That is my secret,” she said with a wink before leaving him alone in the bathroom.

Holy fucking shit! Someone knew! This meant that other people could know, too! What if Margot couldn’t keep it a secret and told Quinn? Oh god! Christian scrambled to the toilet just in time.

Quinn got undressed and crawled onto the bed. He had gotten rid of his studio apartment and moved into Margot’s condo. He sat against the headboard and watched her flit around the room, as she got ready for bed. She was humming to herself as she took out her earrings and placed them in her jewelry box.

“What did Christian say when you went to talk to him?” he asked. The question has been bugging him the whole night.

Christian had run off to the bathroom after Sebastian’s “You’re next” comment, then made a couple of repeat trips to the bathroom before saying that he didn’t feel well and left. The last time he had seen Christian’s anxiety that bad was a couple of years ago when Henry was in the plane crash.

Margot glanced over her shoulder at him. “Nothing really. I just asked if he was okay. He did not really say much,” she replied, lifting one delicate shoulder in a nonchalant shrug.

Quinn narrowed his eyes at her. She wasn’t telling him everything. He knew her too well and noticed that she blinked a bit too much when she answered. That was her tell when she was lying, blinking rapidly.

“Why are you lying to me?” He sighed.

She turned to stare at him with her large innocent hazel eyes. “I am not lying,” she replied and blinked a million times.

“Sweetheart, you are the worst liar ever, you might as well cough it up. What did Christian say?”

Margot shook her head and rolled her lips in. She had a secret and she wasn’t going to tell. Damn! He knew better than anyone did that when Margot had a secret that she wasn’t supposed to share, there was nothing that would make her budge. Stubborn woman! What could Christian be hiding? Quinn knew that there was always something bugging his little brother, but he would never share. Margot must have gotten it out of him somehow, or maybe she just figured it out. She was extremely smart, very perceptive, and persistent; she might have annoyed his brother to the point that he just blurted it out. Quinn smiled to himself. God, he loved her.

“Is there anything I can do to make you tell me?” Quinn asked, dropping his voice to the husky growl that he knew turned her on.

Margot’s eyes immediately darkened with desire. “Non.” She breathed as she crawled up onto the bed toward him. “But I think there is something I can do to make you stop asking.”

Oh fuck yes! “Oh yeah?” he growled, as he watched her crawl over his lap. He was already hard from the anticipation.

She settled herself between his legs and leaned down to kiss him through his underwear. His breath caught then hissed when her mouth closed over the head of his cock. The barrier of his boxer/briefs seemed to make her mouth hotter than normal. He groaned and arched under her. She loved to torture him that was for sure.

“Are you going to stop asking?” she murmured.

“I’ll do whatever you want as long as you don’t stop what you’re doing.” He panted, feeling her smile against him.

“Good boy.” She purred.

Quinn couldn’t help but smile. Margot was the devil in disguise.

Shea was up on the roof of the house he was working on putting in a damn sky light above the island counter in the kitchen. The couple that hired Platt and Sons - the construction company that he worked for - were picky as hell, and were really starting to get on his nerves. They have a deadline of a month for Shea - who was the foreman on the job - and his guys, to gut and renovate the entire kitchen, which was not enough time. Then on top of that, they kept changing and adding shit.