Shea’s breath hitched and his hips jutted forward which caused their hard cocks to rub together. “Shit,” Shea moaned.

Christian reached down, wrapped his hand around both of them, and started to jerk them off together. Shea pushed up to his hands and dropped his head down to watch. Christian couldn’t help but watch, too. It was seriously sexy and Christian didn’t want to miss a moment of their first sexual encounter together. Shea thrust slightly into Christian’s hand, his breath coming hard and fast.

“Motha...fuck...Chris, I’m gonna come,” Shea bit out.

“Me, too.” Christian panted.

Christian pumped his hand faster and squeezed a little tighter. Shea cried out, his whole body jerking as he came hard. Christian felt the first spurt of Shea’s come hit his stomach and he lost it. He grit his teeth as he exploded along with Shea, who moaned long and low. Christian opened his eyes, not even realizing that he had closed them and saw Shea staring down at him, his dark eyes swirling with such intense emotions that it made Christian’s heart stop in his chest.

Never in all of Shea’s twenty-seven years had he ever been so overwhelmed - not even when his parents and sister died. He felt like his heart was going to pound right out of his chest. What he just did with Christian felt so fucking good that he had no words for it. He didn’t have any words for the way it made him feel, either. The intensity of the whole situation was leaving him speechless; all he could do was stare down at Christian, thinking that he wanted more. More of what, though? That was the question. He already had Christian’s heart. More sex? Well...duh! But something else that he didn’t quite have a name for.

Shea leaned down and kissed Christian softly. “That...was incredible,” he rasped.

Christian’s brown eyes widened slightly. “Really?” he asked, the hint of hope in his voice hurt Shea more than he thought it would. Christian still doubted him.

“Yes, really,” Shea answered sincerely.

Christian seemed to let out a breath that he had been holding and Shea bit back a nasty retort. He didn’t want to ruin the moment, and he knew that he was going to have to work to get Christian to believe that he really wanted this. Shea grabbed the tissues off the coffee table, took a couple for himself, and then handed the box to Christian. They cleaned up then put their clothes back on. Shea left off his dress shirt, though.

Shea looked over at Christian who was now sitting next to him on the couch looking utterly relaxed for the first time in...shit, Shea couldn’t even remember the last time he’d seen Christian looking so chill.

“Feel better?” Shea asked, raising an eyebrow in question.

Christian rolled his head along the back of the couch so that he could look over at Shea. The lazy smile that curled his gorgeous mouth has Shea’s heart fluttering madly. “Much better, thank you.”

Shea smiled warmly. “You’re welcome, sweetie pie,” he teased.

Christian chuckled and rested his hand on Shea’s thigh. Shea covered Christian’s hand with his own. This was so right. Shea knew at that moment that he had made the right decision last night, and he was going to show Christian just how fucking serious he was about it. He was in this relationship for the long haul, and he would make sure Christian knew it. Shea Dempsey didn’t do anything half-assed, and he wasn’t going to start now.

~Chapter 2~

Two weeks later, Christian drove to his parents’ house for dinner; Shea was working late and couldn’t make it. The job he was working was taking up a lot of his time because the client had a deadline. Shea had been busting his ass for the past week and a half, working the weekend and everything. Christian had only seen him for an hour or so the other night and that had been it since he started the job.

Sebastian and Raelynn were back from their honeymoon in Aruba and had pictures to show them all, so Christian’s mother, Anne, was having everyone over for dinner. Christian parked his blue Honda Accord in the driveway behind Henry’s white BMW. He got out of his car just as Quinn and Margot pulled up. He waited for them to get out of their car. Margot smiled wide and waved as she walked up to him.

“Bonjour, Christian!” she said happily and kissed both his cheeks before giving him a hug.

“Bonjour, Margot,” he replied with a smile.

She let him go and started up the walkway to the house. Christian turned toward Quinn who stopped in next to him. “She’s perkier than normal.” He chuckled.

“Quit looking at my woman’s chest,” Quinn replied.

Christian gaped at him. “I...I wasn’t...”

Quinn smiled. “Relax, Chris, I’m just fucking with ya,” he said and clapped Christian on the back before draping his arm over his shoulders.