Christian blew out the breath he was holding. He could do this. He had to do this. For Shea. For himself. He needed Shea to know that he would do anything for him and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. Christian started strumming his guitar, playing the opening chords for the song. Then he leaned forward and started singing into the mic, his eyes locked on Shea’s.

Do you hear me? I’m talking to you across the water across the deep blue ocean, under the open sky, oh my, baby I’m trying. Boy I hear you in my dreams, I feel your whisper across the sea, I keep you with me in my heart, you make it easier when life gets hard...

Christian sang his heart out. He poured everything he felt into the song. As the moments ticked by, Christian’s nervousness and apprehension faded. The only person in the room was Shea, who sat there smiling, eyes brimming with tears. Christian smiled while singing, he couldn’t help it, he was so happy.

I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where I have been, lucky to be coming home again. I’m lucky we’re in love in every way, lucky to have stayed where we have stayed, lucky to be coming home someday...

Christian finished the song and the last of the notes on the guitar.

The room erupted. Christian was stunned to find the whole room standing, cheering, and clapping. Sebastian gave the guy in front of him a playful nudge and shouted, “That’s my brother!”

Henry, Quinn, and Shea were also standing and clapping with bright smiles on their faces. Shea put his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly.

Christian smiled, stood, and lifted a hand in thanks. He set his guitar down, leaning it against the stool. A huge weight lifted off his shoulders and he felt like he could breathe again. He never imagined he would ever get up on a stage and sing. But he wanted his proposal to be special and something that Shea would never expect but always remember.

“There is one more thing that I want to say,” Christian said into the mic. The room quieted down to listen to whatever Christian had to say. “Shea, you know I love you, and I would do anything for you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, so I need to know...Will you marry me?” he asked, staring at the man who held his heart and soul.

The crowd erupted again and started chanting “Say Yes!” Quinn and Sebastian started shoving Shea toward the stage. Shea got the hint, made his way through the crowd, and hopped up on stage. He grabbed the mic stand and tilted it toward his mouth so that he could talk into it. “Consider this my answer,” he said.

Shea then grabbed Christian’s face and kissed him hard. The crowd went wild. Christian wrapped his arms around Shea’s waist and yanked his body against his own. Shea pulled back from the kiss and pressed his forehead against Christian’s, a giant grin on his face.

“I can’t believe you did this,” Shea whispered.

“Neither can I.” Christian chuckled.

Shea laughed, kissing him again. “You were incredible, baby.”

“Thank you, don’t ever expect it to happen again.” Christian snickered.

Shea smiled against his lips. “Once in a lifetime, I understand.”

“That’s right.”

The manager then walked on stage, smiling, and clapping. He went to the mic. “Give it up for Christian and his fiancé, Shea!”

The crowd continued to give them a standing ‘O’ as they walked off stage. Christian had his guitar in one hand and held Shea’s hand with the other. They made their way through the crowd to where Christian’s brothers were waiting. They got pats on the back and high fives as they went. As soon as they made it to Henry, Sebastian, and Quinn, the three of them wrapped them both up in a group hug.

“You know what time it is?” Sebastian said, a mischievous smirk on his face.

Christian grinned and shook his head. Oh no. “Really? In the middle of the lounge?”

“You know it!” Sebastian exclaimed.

The crowd then got a show when the group of them started jumping around in a circle together like a bunch of idiots. Henry, Sebastian, and Quinn sang, “Christian’s getting married…” over and over as they went. Christian laughed the whole time, his brothers were crazy. When they finally broke apart, they made their way out of the lounge.

“Let’s go celebrate!” Sebastian said excitedly.

“Let me put my guitar in my car,” Christian said.

They all waited while Christian put his guitar in the trunk of his car, which was parked only a block away, before they all started down the sidewalk toward Philly’s famous South Street, since they were in walking distance. They decided to go to Paddy Whack’s Irish Pub. The five of them found a table and Henry bought the first round. They were about six rounds in when Sebastian leaned over the table toward Christian and said.