He was awoken again what seemed like only ten minutes later by the baby goat. Shea peeled open an eye with his fingers to check the time, 7:30 am, Jesus Christ! He swore he had just fallen asleep; at least that’s how he felt. Thank god he had taken this past week off of work. He probably would have cut his arm off with a saw or nailed his hand to a stud with how exhausted he was. Christian had also closed his studio for the week, which was good because he didn’t think Christian could sleep and paint at the same time. He then heard Christian suck in a sharp breath as he sat straight up and looked around frantically.

“Hey, you alright?” Shea asked, reached over to touch Christian’s thigh.

Christian blinked rapidly before scrubbing his hands roughly over his face and through his hair. “Yeah…shit,” he rasped.

“Bad dream?” Shea asked.

“Yeah, just some crazy ass dream,” Christian murmured.

Christian swung his feet over the edge of the bed, sat there for a moment before standing up and going over to the dresser to make a bottle. Shea raked an appraising gaze over his gorgeous boyfriend in his sexy gray briefs.

“I feel like I didn’t sleep at all last night,” Christian muttered.

“I feel like I haven’t slept all week,” Shea replied.

Christian grunted in agreement as he shook up the bottle. He went over to the bassinette and scooped Skylar up under her arms. “Aw, my little munchkin, are you hungry again?” he cooed, kissing her cheek before settling down into the glider with her.

Shea smiled and tucked his hands behind his head as he watched Christian feed their daughter. His smiled slowly faded. Did he really just think of Skylar as their daughter? Aw shit, he was so screwed. Please God, let him be her biological father! He just couldn’t bear to give her up. Not now, not after having her for this week and loving her like he did.

“I’m gonna get in the shower,” Shea said, getting out of bed.

Christian nodded, not even bothering to take his eyes off Skylar. Shea went over to him and kissed the top of his head. “Love you,” Shea whispered.

“I love you, too.” Christian smirked.

Shea just finished his shower when Christian walked into the bathroom with Shea’s cell phone in his hand, a grim look on his face. Shea’s heart lodged in his throat. Holy shit! This was it, the call they had been waiting for. Christian held up the phone without a word. Shea could see the pulse on his neck fluttering frantically. Christian was very anxious at the moment and Shea couldn’t blame him, he was, too. He quickly wrapped the towel around his waist and took the phone.


“Shea, its Jackie, how are you?” Jackie said pleasantly.

“Right now, I’m nervous as hell. Did you get the results?” Shea asked.

“I did,” Jackie replied.

Shea waited for a moment and when Jackie didn’t say, he spoke up, “Well? Don’t pause dramatically like we’re on the Maury show or something, Jackie! Am I her father?”

“Yes, Shea, you are her father.” Jackie chuckled.

Shea’s knees almost gave out from the relief. He grabbed the edge of the sink to catch himself. “Oh, thank you, sweet baby Jesus,.” Shea breathed, closing his eyes since they started to burn.

“Congratulations, Shea. I’m sure Skylar is in the best care with you and Christian. I wish you the best of luck,” Jackie said.

“Thank you, Jackie. Thank you so much,” Shea said sincerely.

Shea hung up after saying goodbye and lifted his gaze to Christian, who was smiling from ear to ear with tears running down his cheeks. Christian stepped into him, grabbing his face and kissing him soundly. Shea’s breath caught from the intensity of the emotions that enveloped him, both his own and Christian’s. He wrapped his arms around Christian, holding him tight. Their kiss turned passionate and needy. Christian was still in his underwear, so Shea slipped his hands down the back of them to grab his boyfriend’s firm ass. Christian moaned and nipped at Shea’s bottom lip.

Shea shoved Christian’s underwear down his thighs; Christian kicked them away when they fell to the floor. Shea captured Christian’s lips again as he wrapped his arms around his waist and lifted him onto the sink’s counter. Christian pulled to loosen the knot of Shea’s towel so that it fell away. Shea tore his mouth away from Christian’s and grabbed the back of his knees so that he could pull him to the edge of the counter. Christian leaned back on his hands, his eyes no longer teary but heavy lidded with desire.

Shea pulled open the drawer to the right and pulled out a small bottle of lube. They had stashed small bottles all over the house since they had a hard time keeping their hands off each other. Shea poured some in his hand and smoothed it over himself, stroking a couple of times just because it felt good. He then rubbed his dick over Christian’s hole to get it lubed up before he pushed his way in. Christian gasped, his eyes locked on Shea’s.