“I swear, man, I did everything I could think of and she still would not tell me. I tied her to the bed and made her come about five times in a row and she still would not tell me,” Quinn said, shaking his head in wonder as if he still couldn’t believe that she hadn’t caved.

Henry and Sebastian laughed.

“Damn dude, I never expected you to be into that kind of stuff.” Sebastian chuckled.

Quinn’s smiled turned rakish and Henry had to do a double take. Who was this person? He was still having a hard time getting used to this new, open, smiling and teasing Quinn.

“I’m usually not, but Margot got herself in trouble because she said, “Even if you tie me down, I will not tell you,” Quinn said, mimicking Margot’s accent and raising his voice to a female falsetto.

Both Sebastian and Henry started cracking up. Oh man, Margot was one tough cookie. She had to have known that Quinn would do exactly what she said…maybe that was what she intended all along, sneaky little minx.

“Alright, that answers my first question. But what do you guys think about this whole baby situation?” Henry asked after their laughter died down.

“What about it?” Quinn asked with a shrug.

“Well, Shea finds out tomorrow if he’s really the father or not. What if he’s not? Christian will be devastated if they have to give that baby up,” Henry said grimly.

When Henry had gone over to meet the little baby, he had seen the way Christian looked at her. Henry knew that look; he looked at his own kids like that. And Shea, he was still hesitant, but he had fallen in love with her, too. They would both be shattered if it turned out that the baby wasn’t Shea’s.

“There’s nothing we can do if she’s not Shea’s,” Sebastian murmured sadly.

“In order for them to keep her, she would have to be Shea’s. Otherwise, they would have to give her back, then apply to be foster parents, and hope to get her back that way,” Quinn said.

Sebastian groaned and rubbed his face. “It’s gonna be bad if Skylar’s not his.”

“She’s too young to really say whether or not she looks like him, ya know? We can’t go by that either,” Quinn supplied.

Henry shook his head. “Let’s hope that the news tomorrow is good news.”

Sebastian and Quinn agreed.

~Chapter 10~

Shea groaned when he heard Skylar start to fuss. He glanced over at the clock on the nightstand, it was 4:15 am; she was right on time. The kid ate exactly every three hours. They took turns getting up with her and it was his turn. He didn’t want to get up, though, he was too fucking tired. They’ve been only doing this for a week and Shea swore that he was going to die from sleep deprivation.

“The baby goat is crying,” Christian mumbled from under his pillow.

Shea smiled. He couldn’t help it. Christian had nicknamed her the baby goat because that’s what she sounded like when she cried.

“I’m trying to get up, I swear,” Shea grumbled and rubbed his eyes.

Shea rolled out of bed and shuffled over to the dresser where they had a canister of formula and bottles with water set up. Shea made a bottle then made his way over to Skylar while he shook it up. He set the bottle on the floor next to the glider they bought then gathered up the squirming baby in his arms and sat down in the glider. Skylar immediately latched onto the bottle as soon as it touched her lips. Shea closed his eyes and rested his head back as he listened to her suck away.

Shea couldn’t get over how quickly this little baby came to mean everything to him. Tomorrow…well, today really…was the day he would find out if Skylar were actually his. He couldn’t even think about her not being his, it was too painful. He would be absolutely crushed if he was not her father, and he knew Christian would be, too. The first few days, Shea tried to keep his heart locked up tight, not wanting to care for her just in case she turned out not to be his, but it was impossible not to fall in love with her. She was just so damn cute and helpless and Shea found that he wanted to love her and give her everything she needed.

Skylar barely finished her bottle before she fell back to sleep on him. Shea sat her up to burp her but he didn’t even have to pat her back, it came right out, making him chuckle. Baby burps were too stinkin’ cute. Shea lifted Skylar up higher so that he could kiss her soft little cheeks before changing her diaper, swaddling her back up, and putting her back in her bassinette. Shea crawled back into bed with a tired groan. He snuggled up next to Christian and almost immediately fell back to sleep.