“I knew it! I fucking knew it!” Sebastian chirped, pointing at Christian.

“Sebastian! Language,” Raelynn scolded, motioning to the kids playing with Jenga blocks on the floor. It was the only thing Christian had for them to play with.

Sebastian winced. “Sorry.”

“Gay? Really?” his mother asked thoughtfully and a bit curiously.

“Yes, really.” Christian nodded.

“How long have you known?” Henry asked, getting to his feet. Christian couldn’t tell what he was thinking, his face was oddly neutral.

“Since I was eighteen.” Christian grimaced.

“You dick! You’ve known for that long and never told us?” Sebastian snapped, advancing toward Christian quickly.

“I didn’t want you to hate me.” Christian breathed and braced himself for Sebastian’s attack.

“Hate you?” Anne gasped. “Oh, honey! No! We could never hate you!”

Sebastian stopped in front of Christian and Shea. He put his hands on his hips and looked back and forth between the two of them.

“I could have sworn you were straight, dude,” he said to Shea.

Shea shrugged. “I thought I was, too, but I’m not.”

“Bi, then?”

Shea nodded. “Yes.”

Sebastian nodded and suddenly pulled them both into a hug. Christian was so shocked that he just stood there stiffly in Sebastian’s arms. Sebastian then kissed each of them on the temple.

“You two make a cute couple,” Sebastian murmured before letting them go with a ridiculously wide grin on his face, looking like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

Christian couldn’t stop the bark of laughter that came out. Shea chuckled, too. Henry was next to come over to them, grabbed Christian’s face, and kissed his forehead before hugging him tight.

“I’m sorry that you felt like you couldn’t tell us sooner,” he murmured softly.

Christian squeezed his eyes shut since they started burning from the tears that threatened to fall. He clung tightly to his oldest brother, never expecting Henry to apologize to him when he finally came out. Shea had been so right all of these years about how his family would react. How could he have been so blind? He put himself through ten years of hell, trying to hide who he really was from his family, and Shea had been telling him the whole time that they would not care, that they would love him anyway.

After getting hugs and kisses and assuring words from the rest of the family, Christian turned to look at Shea. Shea raised an eyebrow at him as if to say, “I told you so.” Christian smiled and grabbed the back of Shea’s neck, pulling him in for a quick kiss that had the women ‘awww-ing’ and Sebastian gagging loudly.

“Nooo! Don’t do that shit in front of me!” he whined.

Everyone laughed while Raelynn slapped him upside the head for cursing in front of the kids again.

“Alright, back to the matter at hand. What to do about this baby,” Anne said after the laughter died down. “Are you going to go get her tomorrow? Do you want me to come with you two?”

Christian was still in awe of his family and how well they took the news that he was gay, that he wasn’t really listening to his mother. It went better than he ever could have imagined. Not only did they not care, but they also already changed the subject.

“I think I just want it to be Christian and me, if you don’t mind, Anne. But you can definitely be here for when we get back,” Shea said softly.

Anne nodded and gave him a gentle smile. “I understand, Shea.”

“What happens if you bring this baby home and then it turns out that she’s not yours? What are you going to do then? Give her back?” Raelynn asked.

Shea sighed heavily and scrubbed his hand over his short hair. “I don’t know, Rae, I just…everything is so convoluted right now that I really don’t have an answer to that.”

“We’re just going to have to take it one day at a time,” Christian murmured, putting his arm around Shea’s shoulders.

Shea nodded and leaned into him, apparently needing the comfort.

They all talked some more about the situation before everyone went home. Christian walked them all out while Shea cleaned up some cups left around. Christian walked with Quinn and Margot to their car.

“I told you that they would be fine with it,” Quinn said.

“Yes, you did,” Christian agreed.

“Do you feel better now that we all know?” Margot asked.

“Ugh! You have no idea!”

Margot and Quinn chuckled.

“How are you two doing? Feel any different now that you’ve been married for two weeks?” Christian smirked.

Quinn snorted. “No, it doesn’t feel any different.”

“Oui, I agree, we are still the same.” Margot giggled.

“When are you going to have the party?” Christian asked.

“We’ll give you guys time to sort this out before we plan anything,” Quinn said.

“Thanks, Quinn, I appreciate that,” Christian said solemnly.

“Sure, if you need anything tomorrow, just call,” Quinn murmured, giving Christian a hug.


“Let me know when you get home. I want to see the baby.” Margot smiled, giving him kisses on both cheeks before she got in the car with Quinn.