“We’re in love,” Christian whispered, dropping his gaze to his hands where they were clasped in his lap.

“I don’t doubt it.” Quinn smiled.

“I want to marry him,” Christian said, lifting his eyes to see Quinn reaction.

Quinn smiled widened. “That’s great, Christian, really. I’m glad you found someone who makes you happy.”

Christian shook his head. “I just can’t get over how well you’re taking this.”

“Please, dude, I think my secret was worse,” Quinn scoffed.

Christian found himself chuckling as a huge weight lifted off his shoulders. A knock sounded at the door, making them both look over at it.

“Yeah?” Quinn called.

“Is everything alright in there?” Their mother’s voice called through the door.

“Christian had a panic attack, he’s okay now,” Quinn answered.

“We are getting ready to sing Happy Birthday; do you think you guys can join us?”

“We’ll be right out,” Christian called.


After a moment of silence, Quinn got up and helped pull Christian to his feet and right into a big hug. Christian sighed in relief and wrapped his arms around his brother’s waist. Quinn patted the back of his head fondly before grabbing his shoulders and pushing him back so Quinn could see his face.

“What happened in the bathroom, stays in the bathroom.” Quinn smirked.

Christian laughed. “Thanks.”

“You tell everyone else when you’re ready, but I promise you, everyone will be fine with it.”

Christian nodded. “Thank you, Quinn.”

Quinn gave him a wink and opened the door. Christian rinsed out his mouth in the sink before leaving. He walked out the back door just as Shea was getting out of the pool. Christian tried not to gawk but…goddamn! The man was just stunning. His shoulders were broad, covered in ropey muscle and tanned skin. His chest and abs were defined and rock hard. The water ran down his body as he made his way up the stairs. His board shorts were slung low on his lean hips, showing off the V of muscle that was cut off by the waistband of his shorts. He brought his hands up to wipe the water from his eyes, so he didn’t even notice that Christian was watching him.

Shea grabbed a towel off a nearby chair and dried his face some more before he looked around, his worried gaze finally landing on Christian. Shea searched his eyes and mouthed, “You okay?”

Christian nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, but Shea continued to frown. He dried off some more with the towel before wrapping it around his waist. He walked over and stood next to Christian while everyone sang Happy Birthday to Adalyn and Michael. Both kids were set up in a highchair and given a piece of cake when the song was over. Amazingly, both kids dove right in and got down and dirty with the cake. Everyone was laughing and taking pictures and just having a great time.

Christian looked over at Shea to find him standing with his arms crossed and his head down. Christian frowned. He was just about to tell Shea that he told Quinn about them when Quinn actually asked for everyone’s attention.

“Since everyone is here, Margot and I have some news,” Quinn said.

“We just found out that we are going to have a baby!” Margot squealed and started jumping up and down.

The crowd erupted. Christian’s jaw dropped, not expecting that. He thought that they were going to wait longer before having kids - they weren’t even married yet. Not that you needed to be married to have kids, but that’s just what he thought they would do.

“We are also going to get married next Saturday at the courthouse,” Quinn added.

“What? Why not have an actual wedding?” Sebastian squawked.

“Not my thing, man.” Quinn shrugged. “We’ll have a party, though, at a later date, when Margot’s family can fly in from Paris.”

“Loser!” Sebastian huffed.

Everyone made their way over to the soon-to-be parents and newly-weds to congratulate them. Christian hugged Quinn. “Congrats, Quinn.”

“Thank you. You could say something, too, you know,” Quinn whispered.

“No, no fucking way. It’s your moment. I’ll have mine another time,” Christian said adamantly.

Quinn pulled back from the hug and smiled at him. It was so good to see Quinn finally smiling all of the time. “Alright, if you insist.”

Christian nodded. “I do.”

Quinn patted him on the face before he was pushed out of the way by Margot. “Christian! Are you okay? You did not look so well earlier,” Margot asked, cupping his face in her dainty little hands.

“I’m much better now, thank you. And congrats.” Christian smiled and patted her hands.

Margot beamed. “Oui, merci. It came as a surprise but we are ecstatic.”

“Good, I’m glad,” Christian said warmly.

“I’m thinking us Beck men have some damn strong swimmers - Raelynn got pregnant by accident, Henry’s popping them out like a fucking bunny, now Quinn’s having an accidental baby - I’m blaming our sperm,” Sebastian said, appearing next to Christian and Margot.