“I am in love with you, Christian. I can’t live without you. Please believe me,” Shea whispered.

“I’m sorry I freaked out. I’m just so afraid you’re not in this for the right reasons,” Christian replied.

“Well I am and I am in love with you, Chris. Please take me back.”

Christian nodded. “I love you, Shea,” Christian murmured before kissing him languidly.

“That was incredible.” Shea breathed when their kiss ended.

“Yes it was.” Christian chuckled.

Shea cracked his eyes to find Christian smirking down at him. Yeah, he was definitely in love with this guy. Shea grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down for another kiss.

“Now, go get me a rag or something. I’m a fucking mess.” Shea grunted.

Christian laughed, rolled off Shea, and climbed to his feet. Shea watched his boyfriend’s naked ass flex and move as he left the room. Yes, Shea was absolutely in love with Christian, there was no doubt in his mind after what just happened that this was whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. No more women for him, he didn’t want them anymore. He only wanted Christian, who now held his heart and soul.

~Chapter 6~

Shea was finally back to work after a long, boring two and a half months. He missed working, hated sitting around on his ass all day. He’s only been back a week and he was already super busy. He went home exhausted every night. So exhausted that he basically would come home, take a shower, and fall into bed by 8:00 pm. His body was no longer used to being beaten to shit every day, and it was going to take him some time to get back into a groove.

It was a Thursday, and Shea and his guys actually finished a job early. Shea rushed home to take a shower so that he could go over to Christian’s studio and surprise him. He dressed in his usual worn jeans and a vintage T-shirt before heading over to Christian’s downtown studio.

When he got there, he found a parking spot and walked down the block to the studio. He ascended the few stairs and opened the door. Christian was standing up on a little dais in front of an easel holding a canvas. He explained what he was doing as he was painting. The class behind him was a mixture of men and women of various ages.

Shea weaved his way through the tables and made his way silently up behind Christian, whose ass was looking mighty fine in a pair of dark jeans. He was also wearing a light green button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His shirt was tucked in, of course. Shea caught a few curious glances from the students, but he just ignored them. Shea slowly reached forward with both hands and grabbed Christian’s sides where Shea knew he was seriously ticklish.

Christian cried out in surprise as he jumped almost a foot in the air. His paintbrush made a very dark blue, very out of place streak across the canvas when he jumped. Shea slapped a hand over his mouth as Christian whirled around to glare at him. The students were giggling quietly.

“I didn’t know you were going to do that! I swear!” Shea exclaimed, trying to hold back his laughter.

“You scared the crap out of me! What did you think was going to happen?” Christian said in exasperation, tossing his brush on the ledge of the easel.

“Well, I expected you to jump, not mess up your painting.” Shea winced.

Christian huffed and stepped off the dais. “Everyone, continue working on that part while I get another canvas.”

Shea followed Christian into the supply closet and closed the door slightly. As Christian bent over to sort through a variety of canvases stacked on the floor, Shea sidled up behind him. Shea smoothed his hands over Christian’s ass to grab hold of his hips so that he could pull Christian back against his groin.

“I really like this position,” Shea growled.

Christian straightened up, canvas in hand, and glanced over his shoulder, giving Shea a wry smile. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

Shea nuzzled the side of Christian’s face. “I’ve missed you this past week. I got the job done early, so I thought I could take you out for dinner and a movie,” he murmured, kissing Christian’s smooth cheek.

“Mmm, that sounds like a great idea.” Christian sighed contently and turned in Shea’s arms. “I’ll be done in about half an hour.”

Shea kissed him softly on the lips. “Okay, good. I can’t wait to have you all to myself.”

Christian growled low in his throat, sending a shiver of pleasure down Shea’s spine. “Soon, my love, soon,” Christian whispered before nipping at Shea’s bottom lip.

Christian then left him standing in the supply closet, horny as shit. Shea shifted his semi-hard cock in his jeans and tugged his T-shirt down so it wasn’t noticeable, before leaving the closet. Shea went and sat behind the little desk where Christian did his business transactions and watched him teach. Shea couldn’t help but smile at his boyfriend. He was such an amazing teacher – patient, thorough, and took the time to go around to help each person individually. He would make a great father some day. Shea felt his smile slip slightly; he had no idea if Christian even wanted children, they have yet to talk about that.