Shea couldn’t sleep at all that night. He was useless at work the next day, too. He was so exhausted from not sleeping and completely distracted by thoughts of Christian and what he was going to do if he wouldn’t take him back. The possibility that Christian wouldn’t take him back scared the ever-living shit out of him. Shea didn’t know what he would do without Christian in his life.

After work, Shea dragged his ass home and collapsed on his couch. Fuck taking a shower, he didn’t have the energy. His heart hurt so badly. This was the longest he’s gone without talking to Christian in…shit…years. He’s never had a break up effect him so horribly, but this wasn’t just anyone who broke up with him, this was Christian - his best friend, the man he loved with his whole heart and soul.

Shea closed his eyes as he lay on his couch. Maybe he should call Quinn, tell him what’s going on, and see if he could help? Shea covered his face with his hands. Shit! No, he couldn’t do that to Christian. He couldn’t tell Quinn that they were together. Christian would hate him for that. He was going to have to deal with this on his own.

Shea gave Christian a few days before he went over there. Shea had tried again to call but Christian was not answering his phone. Shea walked up the steps to Christian’s front door and tried to use his key, but it wouldn’t work. Christian changed the fucking locks! Jesus, he wasn’t fucking around when he said that they were done. Shea pounded his fist on the door, knowing Christian was home because his car was in the driveway.

“Chris! Open the damn door!” Shea called and pounded on the door some more.

A minute later, the door opened. Shea sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of Christian’s disheveled appearance. His hair was a mess, he had about three days worth of stubble on his face, his eyes were bloodshot and puffy, and he was in a ratty T-shirt and pajama pants. Shea has never ever seen Christian look like this, he was obviously suffering as much as he was.

“Your shit is in the garage,” Christian muttered and went to shut the door, but Shea stopped it with his shoulder.

“Whoa, hold the fuck up, I’m not here to get my stuff, I’m here to talk,” Shea said firmly.

“I don’t want to talk to you.” Christian snarled and tried to push the door closed, but Shea held it open.

“I love you, Christian. I don’t want to be without you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell Tara, I chickened out, okay, I’m sorry,” Shea said.

“You’re nothing but a liar and I don’t believe anything you say,” Christian snapped. “Now, go away.”

“Dammit, Christian! You’ve known me for over twenty years! You know I am not a liar!” Shea yelled and shoved at the door, making Christian stumble back. Shea walked into the house and slammed the door shut behind him.

“You just want me to suck your dick and let you fuck me. I don’t mean anything else to you, you don’t love me, you were just trying to keep me around so you wouldn’t lose me as a friend.” Christian sneered.

“Of course I don’t want to lose you as a friend, I fucking love you! I love you and I’m in love with you. What the hell can I do to make you understand that? What can I do to prove to you that I am in love with you? Do you need to fuck me? Will that make you believe me? Well let’s fucking do it,” Shea snapped, holding his arms out.

Christian sucked in a sharp breath and his eyes widened. “You’re not serious.”

“I am very serious. I want you to make love to me right now. I want to prove to you that I am in this relationship because I love you, and I will do anything to be your boyfriend again,” Shea said, hoping Christian heard the certainty in his voice.

Christian swallowed hard. “Shea…I swear to god, if you are fucking with me, I will never speak to you again.”

“Dammit, Christian! Do I look like I’m fucking with you?” Shea snapped. What the hell more could he do to get through to this guy?

Shea grabbed Christian’s scruffy face and kissed him like never before. He poured all of the love and adoration that he felt for his best friend into the kiss. His arms snaked around Christian’s neck, and his fingers tangled into the hair at the back of his head. Christian moaned and wrapped his arms around Shea’s waist, crushing him to him. Their tongues intertwined and their teeth bumped. Shea could feel Christian’s heart pounding against his chest.

They stumbled up the stairs still wrapped in each other’s arms. After bumping into a couple of walls, they found their way into Christian’s bedroom, where they fell into his bed. Shea landed on his back with Christian falling on top of him. Christian immediately pushed to his knees and started tearing off Shea’s clothes. Within seconds, Shea was naked and screaming as Christian deep throated him. Holy fucking shit!