“Shea is moving in with him,” Quinn murmured.

Both Henry and Sebastian’s heads whipped around to look at him. “What? How do you know that?” Sebastian asked.

“I talked to Christian yesterday; he called to see if Margot and I were interested in buying Shea’s house. When I asked why Shea was moving in with him and selling his house, he said it was because Shea was already having trouble affording the place. And now that he was out of work, it was nearly impossible, so he was going to move in with Christian and sell his house.”

Henry scoffed. “That sounds like a load of shit to me.”

“I agree.” Quinn nodded.

“Would it bother either of you if Christian did turn out to be gay?” Sebastian asked quietly.

Henry rolled his eyes. “Of course not. What the hell do I care who he fucks? I just want him to be happy. What does piss me off is that, if he is, he doesn’t trust us enough to tell us.”

Quinn sighed. “I can’t be mad at him for that; I mean, look how long it took me to tell you guys about what happened to me? If Johnny had never shown up, you still might not have known.”

Sebastian grunted. “Fucking bastard, I still want to seriously hurt that guy.”

“Me, too,” Henry chimed in.

“Would you care, Sebastian?” Quinn asked, curious about his answer since he was the one who brought it up.

“No, I agree with Henry. I just want him to be happy, and if that’s with a dude, then so be it. Now, that being said, I hope like hell that if he is, he doesn’t make out with whomever he’s with in front of me.” Sebastian shivered. “That’s kinda...too much for me.”

Quinn and Henry chuckled.

“You mean you wouldn’t want to see Christian and Shea sticking their tongues down each other’s throats?” Henry teased.

Sebastian made a gagging noise. “No, stop it! And there is no way in hell that Shea is gay. I have seen him with women many, many times,” he said adamantly.

“Like I said, maybe he is bi,” said Quinn then sipped his beer.

Sebastian shook his head. “I can’t see it. Shea is too...I don’t know...manly, maybe?”

“Are you saying that Christian is feminine?” Henry laughed.

“No!” Sebastian exclaimed. “Not feminine, but not as butch as the rest of us.”

Quinn shook his head. “You’re an idiot.”

Sebastian shot him a dirty look, making Quinn laugh. If Christian really was gay and hiding it from them, Quinn felt bad for him. It could be the reason his anxiety was so bad. If he was constantly hiding who he really was, no wonder he was so stressed out all of the time. It was rare that Quinn would see Christian without a worried look on his face. Could that be what he was so worried about all of the time? His brothers finding out that he’s gay?

“Okay, say that Christian is gay, should we ask him about it, or continue to wait for him to tell us?” Sebastian asked.

“No, we can’t ask him about it. If he is, and he hasn’t told us, it’s for a reason. I say we just wait it out and let him tell us when he’s ready,” Quinn said.

“Can we fuck with him at least?” Sebastian asked with an evil grin.

“Fuck with him how?” Henry asked, his own evil smirk growing.

“Ya know, just make comments here and there and see how he reacts. It might give us a better idea if he’s actually gay or not.”

“Oh, god. You’re going to make him have a nervous breakdown.” Quinn groaned.

Henry and Sebastian laughed. Poor Christian, he was so in for it.

Shea and Christian were at Shea’s house to finish packing up all of Shea’s shit. Shea was packing up some of his things in the living room while Christian worked in his kitchen. He had just stood up and rolled his right shoulder because it was aching a bit when the doorbell rang. Shea frowned. Who the hell could that be? Christian came into the living room just as Shea started for the door.

When he opened it, he wished that he hadn’t. Standing on the step was Tara, the girl he had been seeing before starting his relationship with Christian. She immediately jumped him, her arms went around his neck and her mouth covered his. Shea was so shocked at first that he did nothing. Then he heard Christian’s “What the fuck?” from behind him, making him spring into action. He grabbed Tara’s hips and pushed her back, forcing her to let him go. Tara was a cute girl; she had short dark hair, glasses, and a bangin’ body that always turned him on.

“Baby, where have you been? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for over a month now,” Tara whined, running her hands over Shea’s chest.