“What’s up with this?” Henry asked, raising an eyebrow in question.

Christian blinked at him and shrugged slightly. “I’m an artist, I find art everywhere,” he said as if that explained it.

“But why Shea in a bed, naked, tangled up in sheets?” Henry asked, confused.

“I liked the way the sheets where rumpled,” Christian said, waving a hand dismissively.

Henry shook his head slightly, he was still confused, but whatever. “Okaaay.”

“I have a couple of nice landscapes toward the back. Why don’t you go check those out?” Christian murmured while tickling Adalyn, his eyes on the baby, not Henry.

“Sure,” Henry agreed and hitched his son higher before walking toward the back of the gallery.

Ethan picked out a lovely painting of a calla lily for Claire, one of Christian’s, obviously. Christian wanted Henry to take it for free, but he insisted on paying for it. Then they gathered up the kids and walked back out to Henry’s car. Christian put Adalyn in her car seat while Henry strapped in the other two. After the kids were secured, Henry went to his brother to say goodbye.

“How’s Shea doing anyway?” Henry asked, stuffing his hands in the front pockets of his jeans.

“Alright, I guess. He’s still in pain.” Christian shrugged.

Henry nodded, watching him closely. “How long is he going to stay with you?”

“As long as he needs to,” Christian replied evenly.

“Doesn’t he have a girlfriend that can take care of him?” Henry asked curiously. “I swore he was seeing someone.”

“Not really,” he answered tightly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Henry nodded in understanding. What he didn’t understand, though, was that fucking painting. Wasn’t it odd for a straight man to paint another straight man, naked and asleep? Henry wondered if Shea knew about that painting. Henry’s vote would be a no. Whatever was going on with Christian was going to have to wait for another time; Henry had to get the kids home and ready for bed.

“Okay, let me get out of here. I’ll talk to you later,” Henry said, giving Christian a hug.


Christian waved as Henry pulled away from the curb. Henry shook his head to himself. Could his brother possibly be gay? He has never really thought about it before, but he couldn’t remember ever seeing Christian with a woman. He most definitely never brought one home. A few years ago, he would have blamed that on his mother, but she has changed, so the man has no reason not to bring a woman home to meet his family. He was always with Shea, though. Shea was straight, Henry was sure of that; he’s seen him with multiple women over the years. Henry sighed, confused and not sure what to think.

Christian got home around midnight, after finishing up transactions, kicking everyone out, cleaning up, and shutting everything down; it took him about an hour to get out of there. When he walked in the front door, he saw that both Shea and Quinn fell asleep on the couch, one at each end. Christian smiled and walked over to Quinn, placing a hand on his shoulder. Quinn stirred, pulling in a deep breath and rubbing his eyes. He blinked up at Christian.

“Shit, did I fall asleep?” he asked sleepily.

“Yeah, are you alright to drive home?” Christian asked in return.

“Yeah...I just gotta wake the hell up,” he muttered, scrubbing his face hard with both hands.

“Take your time,” Christian replied and patted his shoulder. “How was Shea?”

Christian walked over to his boyfriend and stared down at him. His head was resting on the back of the couch and he had to fight the urge to smooth his hand over Shea’s short hair. No doubt Quinn would question him like Henry did tonight, especially if he touched him affectionately.

What a fucking nightmare that had been. He had forgotten about that painting and didn’t really think anything of it when Henry walked in. None of his brothers have been by the gallery in a while, so he has been putting up everything that he painted, not just the non-sexual/sensual ones. Every weekend, when he has the gallery open for showings, almost all of the sexual/sensual paintings that he produced, of both men and women, have sold.

“He was fine, a bit irritable, but that was about it.” Quinn shrugged, answering the question that Christian forgot he even asked.

Christian lifted his eyes to find Quinn watching him. Christian ignored the curious look in his brother’s eyes and said, “Thanks for coming over, Quinn. I really appreciate it.”

Quinn stood and nodded. “No problem, Chris.”

They said their goodbyes before Quinn headed out. Christian shut and locked the door behind him then went back to Shea. He watched him sleep for a moment, watched how his chest rose and fell as he breathed and the way his top lip twitched in a very Elvis-like manner. Christian smiled, his heart fluttering wildly in his chest. Damn, he loved this man so fucking much, but he refused to say it again. He would not be the only one in a relationship dropping the “L” word, no freaking way.