Christian got up and gave him a soft slow kiss before pulling the covers up over both of them and settling down on his side of the bed. Shea desperately wanted to hold him in his arms, but it wasn’t possible, so he settled for lacing his fingers together with Christian’s. Christian kissed the back of his hand and held it against his chest. They fell asleep that way.

~Chapter 3~

“Chris, I really need a shower,” Shea muttered as he sat at the table the next morning, drinking his coffee. “I can smell myself and it’s not pleasant.”

Christian chuckled. “Yeah, I know.”

Shea glared at him from where he sat across the table. “I need your help.”

Christian nodded and took a sip of his coffee. “Okay, whenever you’re ready,” he agreed.

“Let me finish my coffee, and then we can go.”

Christian nodded again as he eyed him over the rim of his coffee mug. There was an amused glint in his eye, a hint of desire, which made Shea’s belly flutter. He didn’t expect to enjoy the things that he and Christian have done together as much as he did. He thought it would have been weird or something, but it was turning out to be much more pleasurable being with a man than it was being with a woman. Shea didn’t know if it was just because it was Christian, or if it would be this way with all men.

After they both finished their coffees, they headed upstairs to take a shower. Christian stripped down to his underwear then turned on the shower. He moved to help Shea out of his pajama pants and underwear that he put on this morning. He shucked off his own underwear before helping Shea take off the swathe and sling. Shea had to cradle his right arm so that it didn’t hang. Christian stepped into the shower first, and then helped Shea step in before sliding the curtain back into place.

While Shea held his arm against his chest, Christian did all of the washing. He washed Shea’s hair first then moved on to his body. Shea closed his eyes and savored the feel of Christian’s hands stroking and gliding all over him. Christian’s hands came to his cock, which was hard – no surprise there – and lathered it up with soap. He stroked it a couple of times before going down to massage his balls. Christian took a step closer and wrapped both arms around Shea as he started to clean his back.

Shea swallowed hard as he felt Christian get closer to his ass. Shea was still somewhat leery about that one thing. He wasn’t sure how he felt about being fucked in his ass. He couldn’t see how it could possibly feel good.

He could feel Christian’s mouth hovering over his, but he kept his eyes closed, not wanting to show Christian what he was feeling at the moment. He was sure his apprehension would show in his eyes, and he didn’t want Christian to doubt him any more then he already did.

Christian’s hands cupped his rear end for a moment before coming back up to the small of his back. One hand then slipped down his crack and brushed over his hole, making him clench unintentionally.

“Relax, I’m not going to hurt you,” Christian whispered soothingly as he continued to rub the area slowly.

Shea took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. If he had to do this to keep Christian in his life, then he had to do this. Soft lips met his for a slow languorous kiss. Christian’s finger drew lazy circles around his hole as they continued to kiss. Shea had trouble focusing on the kiss when he knew that at any moment, Christian was going to stick his finger up his ass. His heart pounded furiously, he didn’t think he was ready for this.

“If you’re not ready, just say so. I will understand,” Christian murmured against his lips as if reading his mind.

Shea opened his eyes at that. He needed to know if Christian was serious or not. Would he really understand? Or was he testing him? Christian’s soft brown eyes searched his.

“Really, Shea. We’ve only been together for two weeks,” he said, sincerely.

Shea cleared his clogged throat. “I’m not ready for that,” he rasped.

Christian smiled slightly and slid his hand up and away from Shea’s ass.

“I’m sorry,” Shea whispered.

Christian shook his head. “It’s fine, Shea. I didn’t expect you to do everything in just a couple of weeks.”

Shea nodded. Christian then shuffled them around so that Shea was under the water. Christian smoothed his hands over him to get the soap off, and cleaned himself quickly before they got out. Christian dried Shea off and helped him back into his sling and swathe. The doctor said he would need both for the first week, then probably just the sling the second week. It could take anywhere from four to eight weeks to get back to fully functioning.