“Chris, I’m sorry,” he said softly.

Christian didn’t make any kind of acknowledgement that he had even heard Shea; he just kept painting like he wasn’t there. Shea sighed and hung his head.

“Chris, can you please talk to me?”

“Not right now,” Christian whispered.

Shea walked over and stopped behind him; he slipped his arm around his waist and kissed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, Christian, please...”

“I’m busy right now, Shea,” Christian muttered harshly.

Damn, he really hurt Christian this time. “Can you just stop for a minute and let me apologize?” he pleaded quietly.

Christian sighed heavily and tossed his paintbrush down on the table next to him. “I really don’t want to hear it right now,” he said as he moved out of Shea’s embrace and headed for the door.

“Really, Chris? Come on!”

Christian whirled around, his brown eyes flashing angrily. “I thought I had done something nice for you, getting you the ice cream that you had asked for multiple times and what do I get? I get cursed and screamed at. I understand that you’re in pain, Shea, but I’m not going to let you treat me like shit.”

“I know. That’s why I’m trying to apologize to you, dammit!” Shea snapped.

Christian’s mouth tightened, he just turned and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. Shea growled in aggravation and scrubbed his face with his good hand. Alright, they both needed to calm down for a few minutes. Shea left the garage and went to sit at the table on the back patio. It was starting to get dark and a bit chilly, but Shea wanted to give Christian some space to let him calm down.

He hadn’t even realized that he fell asleep until a hand landed on the back of his neck. Shea yawned and looked back to see Christian standing beside him. He jerked his head in the direction of the house then helped Shea out of the chair. He could definitely feel the ache starting to take hold again.

“Chris, can you get me another Percocet?” Shea asked quietly.

“Sure,” Christian murmured and followed him into the house.

Shea waited in the kitchen while Christian got him a glass of water and another pill. After he took it, they both headed up to bed. Christian helped Shea get out of his jeans and then helped him get into bed. Christian had set up the right side of the bed with a bunch of pillows so that Shea could sleep somewhat upright; there would be no lying flat for a couple of weeks.

He then watched as Christian undressed, and damn it if he didn’t get turned on. They haven’t done anything since the morning after the wedding a couple of weeks ago. Shea has been too busy with work, usually going right home to bed. Now that he will be out of work for a couple of months, he has plenty of time to do everything he wants to do to Christian.

Christian was built really nice. He was tall with broad shoulders and a trim waist. His chest and arms were nicely defined, and his abs looked like they were chiseled out of granite. His legs were long and muscled, and his ass was the perfect combination of rounded and toned. He kept on his black briefs as he climbed into bed.

He watched as Christian crawled over to him and stopped so that they were nose to nose. Christian’s eyes searched his for a moment before he leaned down and kissed him. Shea groaned and grasped the back of Christian’s neck. Christian then shifted so that he straddled Shea’s lap. Shea’s cock jumped to attention. What was he doing?

“What...what are you...doing?” Shea grunted between kisses.

“You did tell me to suck your dick, didn’t you?” Christian whispered and started to kiss his way down the good side of Shea’s neck.

Shea’s stomach flipped in anticipation. He never thought that he would ever want or have another guy suck his dick, but this was Christian, his boyfriend, and he couldn’t help but find himself actually looking forward to it. He was curious to see if it was anything like how a woman would do it, or if it was just a completely different experience altogether. Their first foray into sex had been exciting and new. Shea had been pleasantly surprised by how amazing it felt, and if the rest of it were anything close to that, then he would be completely happy for the rest of his life to never be with another woman again.

Christian moved down the bed and Shea’s body until he settled on his knees between Shea’s legs. Christian gently took off Shea’s boxers and tossed them to the floor. Shea swallowed hard as he waited, so afraid that he was going to come as soon as Christian’s mouth touched him. He was already fighting to keep his eyes from rolling back into his head.