“Oh man...yeah, I’ll get the Frosty. See you in about twenty minutes.” Quinn laughed then said goodbye before hanging up. In twenty minutes, Christian was sure that all three of his brothers were going to be at his house.

Shea awoke to something cold pressed against his cheek. His eyes fluttered open and he couldn’t stop the groan that came out. Standing around him were Christian’s brothers, each one of them with a shit-eatin’ grin on his face.

“Aw, the wittle baby is awake. Here baby, here’s your ice cweam,” Sebastian said in a mocking tone that made Shea want to punch him in his fucking face.

Shea snatched the Frosty cup out of his hand and snarled at him. “Fuck you, asshole.”

Shea shifted to try to sit up higher so that he could eat the damn Frosty, but the pain that radiated from his collarbone was almost unbearable. He gasped and held out the cup for someone to take it. He didn’t see who grabbed it and he really didn’t care. Shea squeezed his eyes shut and bared his teeth as he tried to breathe through the excruciating pain; obviously the medication he got in the ER has worn off.

“Chris!” He choked.

“Coming!” Christian called from what sounded like the direction of the kitchen.

“Dude, for real? Are you seriously in that much pain or are you just being a pussy?” Sebastian asked skeptically.

“Watch out!” Christian’s voice snapped. “Here, Shea.”

Shea then felt Christian press a pill into his left hand, which he immediately tossed into his mouth, and then Christian put a glass of water in his hand. Shea downed that, swallowing the pill with it. He prayed that it worked fast because he was ready to throw the hell up.

“Chris, is he for real?” Sebastian asked again.

“Yes, he is actually in a lot of pain. They can’t set the bone like they would your leg or arm, so moving is going to hurt if the medicine wears off.”

“That sucks,” Quinn said.

“Yeah, it does,” Henry drawled.

Shea cracked an eye open to see what everyone was doing when Sebastian flopped down onto the couch next to him, on his right side of course, and jostled the hell out of him. Shea screamed in agony and used his left hand to help cradle his right arm.

“AAAGGGHHHHH!!! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!! I HATE YOU! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!” Shea screamed, as he kicked at Sebastian as best he could.

“Ow! Shit, I’m sorry...ow! Stop kicking me! I didn’t mean to do that!” Sebastian cried as he scrambled to get away from Shea’s kicks.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Henry snapped. Shea heard a “thwap” sound, which was most likely Henry slapping Sebastian upside the head.

“Dammit! I didn’t mean to hurt him! You don’t have to hit me!”

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Quinn muttered.

Another “thwap.” “Sonofabitch! Will you knock that shit off?”

“That was Quinn that time.” Henry chuckled.

“Alright, you know what? Why don’t you guys just go. Obviously, you can’t be trusted around an injured person,” Christian said calmly, but Shea could hear the edge to his voice, he was freaking fuming.

“I’m sorry!” Sebastian whined.

“It’s fine, just go,” Christian replied.

A few minutes later, after they all said goodbye to each other, Shea heard the door shut. He was still trying not to throw up on Christian’s floor when he heard Christian walk back into the living room.

“God, Shea, I’m so sorry,” he rushed to say when he returned.

“Mmm hmm,” was all he could get out through his clenched teeth.

“What can I do? Is there anything?” Christian asked.

“You can suck my fucking dick, you asshole. You called them didn’t you?” Shea shouted and opened his eyes to glare at Christian in accusation.

He frowned. “I called Quinn and asked him to pick up your goddamn Frosty,” he snapped.

“Well that was fucking stupid. You knew they would all show up!”

Christian raked a hand through his hair and paced away. “I can’t deal with this shit right now, Shea,” he muttered and started toward the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” Shea called after him.

“I need a break from your nasty attitude,” he replied before storming out of the back door and slamming the door behind him.

“Dammit!” Shea yelled into the now empty house.

He wasn’t trying to be an asshole but he just couldn’t help it when he was in pain. Shea sat there brooding for a good fifteen minutes, waiting for the medicine to kick in. Soon, the pain was down to a dull throb, and he could get himself off the couch. He knew where Christian went, so he headed in that direction. Out the back door, he followed the path that led to the garage. He didn’t bother knocking, he just walked in. The smell of paint and mustiness hit him in the face as he entered. Christian was standing with his back toward the door as he painted on a large canvas that was set up on an easel. He looked like he was painting some kind of cityscape and he didn’t bother turning around when Shea entered. Shea knew he had to have heard him.