" You should have told me you were coming by!" Sebastian yelled, shoving Quinn into the fridge one more time before pushing away from him. Jesus Christ! He had almost killed his brother.

Quinn watched as Sebastian paced away from him, fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose. His other hand on his naked hip. Sebastian was completely naked and dripping wet. He obviously just got out of the shower and didn't bother with a towel. He also didn't seem to care that he was pacing through a puddle of beer either.

" I'm sorry," Quinn rasped. He felt horrible for scaring his brother so bad.

Sebastian turned his angry green eyes to him. There was also something else in his eyes - fear, bone deep fear. " I was seriously a breath away from shooting you in the head, Quinn," he said, his voice trembling.

That's when Quinn noticed that Sebastian's whole body was shaking. He doubted it was from being cold. Quinn's heart broke for his brother. " Sebastian, why don't you go dry off and get dressed," Quinn suggested quietly.

Sebastian left without a word, disappearing down the hallway that he came from. Quinn took a deep breath before grabbing the roll of paper towels and cleaning up the kitchen floor. Quinn had seriously almost shit himself when he turned and saw a gun pointed at his face. Never had he ever felt that kind of fear. For a second, he thought that Sebastian actually might pull the trigger.

Quinn had come by to check on his brother. He had heard about what happened last night and wanted to make sure Sebastian was doing okay. He hadn't even thought that he might be jumpy. Idiot! What the hell was he thinking just showing up like that? Of course Sebastian was going to be jumpy. There was still one guy on the loose. He probably thought that Quinn was that guy, breaking into his apartment. Fuck!

Quinn shook his head and cursed to himself as he sopped beer and water up off the floor. He tossed the bottle in the recycling bin and then put the soaked paper towels in the trash. He washed his hands. Then he headed down the hall to find Sebastian. Quinn found him in his bedroom, sitting on the end of his bed with a towel wrapped around his waist, his head in his hands.

" Hey man...you okay?" Quinn asked, shoving his hands in his pockets as he stepped into the room.

Sebastian lifted his head from his hands. He looked run down and emotionally drained. " I just...I can't believe how close I came to pulling the trigger," he said, his voice low.

Quinn sighed. " Shit Sebastian, it really wasn't your fault. I should have called first."

Sebastian shook his head. " Whatever. Doesn't matter," he said, waving that aside. " I could have killed you, Quinn," he said. His voice was dead and hollow.

" But you didn't. So just forget about it," Quinn shrugged.

Sebastian stared at him for a moment before turning away. He got up and went to his dresser where he pulled out a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. " What are you doing here anyway?" he asked as he pulled his clothes on.

" I just wanted to check on you. See how you were doing after last night," Quinn replied.

Sebastian gave a bitter laugh. " As you can see, I've become paranoid."

" With good reason," Quinn said, giving Sebastian a pointed look.

Sebastian shrugged. " I guess," he muttered and moved past Quinn to go back into the kitchen.

Quinn followed Sebastian into the kitchen. Sebastian went into the fridge and grabbed two beers. He cracked one open and handed it to Quinn. Quinn thanked him then took a long swig. He needed it to calm his nerves. If it had been Christian here the poor guy would have probably thrown up on the kitchen floor, adding to the beer and water. Sebastian leaned his ass against the counter next to the fridge and took a sip of his beer.

" I went to a therapist this morning," Sebastian admitted quietly, picking at the label of his beer.

Quinn's eyebrows shot up. A rare moment where Quinn was actually shocked into showing emotion. " Really?" he asked, stunned that Sebastian even told him that. Usually he would have had to hear it from Henry.

Sebastian nodded. He was staring down at his bottle while he continued to pick at the label.

" How'd it go?" Quinn asked.

" Pretty good. The guy is cool. He wants me to come back on Monday," Sebastian said, lifting his gaze to look at Quinn. " Do you think I'm a pussy for going?" he asked hesitantly.

Quinn blinked at him. Was he serious?! " What? Hell no. You need to go," he insisted.

One side of Sebastian's mouth tipped up and he nodded slightly. " Okay...thanks," he murmured, sending Quinn a grateful glance.