Sebastian headed into the back, where the shop was. He walked over to his station and got started on the gun that he had been fixing. He had gotten so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't hear the shop door open. He jumped and yelped when a hand landed on his shoulder.

" Shit Sebastian, I didn't mean to scare you," Bill said, stepping up next to him.

Sebastian looked up at Bill as he tried to calm his panicking heart. " It's fine."

" How you doing, son? Are you sure you're okay to be here today?" Bill asked, a frown pulling his white bushy eyebrows together.

Bill had just turned 70. The guy looked great for his age. He had pure white hair, big white bushy eyebrows and a white mustache. He was just a tad overweight, mostly in the belly area. He always wore tan tactical pants and black polo shirt. Shirt was always tucked in and his gun was holstered at the small of his back. That was usually where Sebastian wore his gun too when he was at the shop.

" Yeah. I need this to take my mind off everything," Sebastian murmured.

Bill nodded. " Alright," he sighed. " How are the kids doing?"

" They're fine. I think my brother and sister-in-law were more shook up then the kids," Sebastian said.

Bill nodded in understanding. " Ah...yeah, well...little kids can't fully grasp the seriousness of the situation."

" Thank god for that," Sebastian snorted.

Bill agreed. " Okay...I'll let you get back to work," he said then headed back out into the showroom.

Sebastian lost himself in his work for the rest of the day. Bill came back in at around 8pm, handed him a new SIG and then kicked him out. Sebastian washed his hands and headed home. He walked into his dark apartment, McDonalds in hand. Sebastian kicked the door shut behind him before flipping on the kitchen light. Shit, he was tired. It just seemed to hit him out of no where. He had slept like shit the night before. His mind kept racing with "what ifs" and he kept picturing other scenarios of how everything could have gone differently. He would doze off here and there but never got into a deep sleep.

Sebastian went and turned on the lamp in his tiny living room. His apartment was small but he didn't need much space when it was just him. The kitchen and living room were one big room with only a counter separating them. He had two bedrooms. The bigger one was obviously his and the smaller one he set up as a computer/work-out room.

Sebastian sat at the counter and ate his dinner. It was the only thing he had eaten all day. He was too preoccupied with work to stop and eat. Not that he had really been hungry anyway. After finishing the two Big Mac's, a large fry and large soda, Sebastian headed down the hall to his bathroom.

He turned on the shower then stripped. He set his new SIG on the back of the toilet before stepping into the shower. He groaned when the hot spray hit his back. Sebastian grabbed his shampoo and washed his hair. As he was rinsing his hair, he heard something bang in the living room. It actually sounded like his apartment door closing. Sebastian's eyes shot open as his heart lurched. What the fuck was that?

Sebastian shut the water off and stepped out of the shower as quietly as possible. He grabbed his gun and went to the door, screw drying off. He opened it a crack and heard movement in the living room. Someone was in his apartment? Seriously? Could it be the other guy that he shot looking for revenge? Could he really have found Sebastian that fast?

Sebastian gripped his SIG tightly as he eased the door open and crept quietly down the hallway. He heard the fridge door open and close. Sebastian quickly turned the corner, lifted his gun and aimed at the person in his kitchen. His brother Quinn's eyes widened and the beer bottle dropped from his hand. Luckily the bottle didn't break. But Quinn had opened it so beer spewed all over the kitchen floor.

Sebastian saw red. He slapped the gun down on the counter and crossed the room. He gripped Quinn up by the front of his shirt and slammed him back against the fridge, making bottles in the fridge rattle. " Are you fucking insane?! I almost shot you!!!" Sebastian shouted, slamming Quinn into the fridge again. His heart was pounding so bad he swore it was going to burst out of his chest.

Quinn grabbed his forearms, his face stricken. " I'm sorry, Sebastian. I knocked and called your name. When I heard the shower running, I figured I'd just wait for you to be done," he rushed to explain.