Sebastian couldn’t be happier. He had the love of his life and a son. Could it get any better then this? He thought not. This had been all so unexpected though. He had fought long and hard not to fall in love with Raelynn, yet he did anyway. Michael was an accident. An accident that Sebastian would be forever grateful for. His life had changed so much in the past year and a half. Changed in a way he never thought possible. It was all good though. He didn’t regret any of it. He was finally living the life he had always wanted.


Quinn walked in silence behind his brothers as they entered the bar. It was the first guys-night-out since Michael and Adalyn were born. Sebastian and Henry have been so busy with work and their families that Quinn hasn’t seen either of them in about a month. Quinn saw Christian at least once a week, if not more. But he had missed Henry and Sebastian.

They found a table and Christian insisted on buying the first round. Sebastian and Henry both downed half their beers in one shot. Then groaned loudly and shared a relieved look. Quinn had no idea what they were going through and he honestly didn’t want to know. He didn’t want kids. Didn’t think he was at all cut out for having kids. Kids needed a father who could show them how much he loved them. Quinn didn’t think he was capable of showing the affection that kids so often craved.

The conversation started. Quinn leaned back in his chair with his beer and listened. Only commenting every once in a while or if asked something directly. He watched Sebastian the most. The change in the man was incredible. He was vibrant and alive. He was animated when he talked. He laughed loud and often. Quinn was so very pleased that Sebastian was as happy as he was. Quinn wanted nothing but the best for his brothers.

“ Quinn?” asked a French accented female voice, breaking through his thoughts.

Quinn’s eyes lifted to see Margot standing next to him. How did he not hear her walk up? It wasn’t that loud in the bar. He had been too lost in his thoughts. Margot smiled brightly down at him.

“ I thought that was you!” she said sweetly. She then shocked the hell out of him when she leaned down and gave him a kiss on each cheek.

Quinn blinked stupidly at her, his cheeks burning from where she kissed him. “ Margot?”

“ Hey! Is this the chick you’re working with on that Trump Casino thingy?!” Sebastian asked, jumping up out of his seat.

Quinn opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He just watched as Sebastian introduced himself. Margot greeted him, also giving him kisses on both cheeks. He knew that was a French thing, but it still irritated him that she did it to his brother. Then Henry and Christian introduced themselves too, also getting kisses.

Quinn scowled. What the hell was she doing here? He looked her over as she spoke animatedly with his brothers. She looked spectacular. She was wearing skinny jeans and a pink and black polka dotted sleeveless blouse that had lace cut outs on the shoulders. Her blouse was tucked into her jeans and she wore a thin shiny black leather belt. Her heels were just a plain black platform pump. Her long dark hair was down and parted on the side so that it had to sweep partitally over her forehead. Her makeup was minimal except for the bright red lipsick she had on to accentuate her plump bow shaped lips. Quinn could only imagine what those lips would look like wrapped around his...Goddammit! He had to stop thinking like that around her. He’d be walking around with a perpetual hard-on. And he was sure she wouldn’t appreciate that.

“ Quinn, I did not know you had brothers!” she smiled warmly.

Was she oblivious of his dislike of her? Or maybe she didn’t care and was just an all around pleasant person all the time.

Quinn shrugged with indifference. His brothers all stared at him in disgust. He just raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘What?’

“ Well, it looks like you are having a boys night, non? I will not stay. I will see you at work, Quinn,” Margot said with a small smile. She gave them all a wave then walked away. Quinn watched her make her way over to the bar where a couple of the other women from work were sitting.

A slap upside the head had Quinn whirling around to glare at Henry. “ What the fuck?” he growled at his brother.

“ What the hell is wrong with you?! That’s the girl you’ve been complaining about?” Henry said in exasperation.

“ Yes,” Quinn snapped.

“ Dude, she’s cute as hell,” Sebastian added.