“ Swear to God, dude,” he snorted.

Henry gaped at him, shaking his head. “ That’s insane!”

“ Tell me about it.” Sebastian nodded.

“ How’s Raelynn? Is she okay?” Henry asked, frowning in concern.

“ She’s exhausted - “

“ - Obviously - “

“ - Obviously.” He agreed with a nod. “ She was in so much pain, man. I don’t know how she did it.” Sebastian shook his head. He was still in awe at her strength.

“ And the baby?” Henry asked.

“ He’s getting checked out. They said they’ll bring him back when they’re done.”

“ How’s daddy doing?” Henry smirked knowingly. Henry clapped him on the shoulder.

“ I’m in shock still,” Sebastian said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Henry nodded in understanding. “ I’m sure you are.”

Then Sebastian remembered. “ Shit! Did Claire have the baby yet?!” he blurted, grabbing Henry’s shoulders.

Henry smiled proudly. “ She did.”

Sebastian stared at him expectantly. “ Fucker! What did you have?!” he practically shouted as he gave his asshole brother a shake.

Henry’s smile deepened until his dimples showed. “ Her name is Adalyn.”

Sebastian rocked back in his heals. Henry had a girl! A baby girl named Adalyn! “ Holy shit,” he breathed, pulling Henry into his arms.

Henry chuckled low and clapped Sebastian on the back. “ I know, right?”

Sebastian grabbed Henry’s face and pressed their foreheads together. “ You have a girl!”

Henry laughed. “ I have a girl.”

Sebastian threw his head back and whooped loudly then clapped a hand over his mouth and cringed. A few nurses glared at him. “ Sorry,” he winced.

“ Alright, let me get back in there with Claire. I had just stepped out to call you,” Henry said, patting Sebastian on the shoulder.

Sebastian nodded. “ Yeah, me too.”

“ I’ll talk to you in a little bit. Let me know when they bring the baby back. I want to see him.” Henry smiled.

Sebastian nodded. “ Absolutely, and I want to see Adalyn soon too.”

Henry grinned and nodded, then patted Sebastian’s cheek before they both headed back toward their seperate rooms. Sebastian just grabbed the doorknob when Henry called his name. Sebastian looked over at him, eyebrow raised in question.

“ Did you name him yet?” Henry asked.

Sebastian smiled. He and Raelynn had agreed to keep the name secret until the baby was born. And he doubted Henry would have ever expected them to use his middle name. “ His name is Michael.”

Henry’s smile slipped. “ Really?” he rasped.

Sebastian smiled softly and nodded. “ Really,” he replied, opening the door and entering Raelynn’s room. He left Henry standing outside of Claire’s room with a dumbfounded look on his face.

A nurse brought Michael to them about a half hour later with a clean bill of health. He weighted 7lbs. 9 oz. and was 18 inches long. Raelynn was still sleeping when the baby was brought in. Sebastian planned to keep her that way too. She needed to rest after all she’d been through. Michael was fine for about five minutes before he started fussing. Sebastian went over and picked up the little squirming bundle. He took his son over to the rocking chair in the corner and sat down. He stared down at his baby boy while he spoke quietly to him and rocked.

Raelynn came awake slowly. She was still tired but she could hear Sebastian talking quietly and her curiosity got the better of her. She wanted to know who he was talking to. She cracked her eyes and looked around the room. She spotted Sebastian in the corner, rocking with their baby in his arms. They had agreed to call him Michael Oliver Beck, after Sebastian’s brother Henry and Raelynn’s dad. Michael looked so tiny in Sebastian’s arms.

Sebastian was smiling softly as he stroked the baby’s cheek with his finger. His eyes never left Michael’s face. “...you just had to come out when you wanted, huh? You’re lucky your mom is one tough cookie. Yes, she is. She’s amazing. You’ll find that out soon enough,” he cooed before kissing Michael on his little forehead.

Raelynn couldn’t help but smile. Sebastian was going to be a fantastic father. “ Sebastian?” Raelynn said quietly.

Sebastian’s head shot up. He frowned. “ I’m sorry, babe. Did I wake you?” he asked.

Raelynn shook her head. “ No. Can I hold him?” she asked, holding out her arms.

“ Of course,” Sebastian said with a smile and brought Michael over to her.

Sebastian placed their little baby in her arms then sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. They sat together looking down at their baby for who knows how long. Raelynn finally tore her eyes away from the cutest baby she’d ever seen and looked up at Sebastian. Sebastian’s eyes met hers. There was nothing but unconditional love in his eyes. For her. He leaned in and kissed her tenderly on the lips.