Sebastian told the guy where they were.

“ Oh God! I feel like I have to push!” Raelynn screamed.

Sebastian shoved his free hand into his hair. “ Jesus Christ...”

“ Sir. Just stay calm and put your phone on speaker. I’m going to walk you through what to do,” the operator said.

“ What the hell do you mean you’re gonna walk me through what I have to do?” Sebastian demanded almost hysterically.

“ It looks like you’re going to be delivering your baby, sir,” the operator replied calmly.

“ Like hell I am!” Sebastian exclaimed in alarm. He couldn’t deliver a baby! He wasn’t a doctor! They needed to be in the hospital!

“ Sebastian! Please!” Raelynn sobbed.

Sebastian bit out a nasty curse and put his phone on speaker. He then placed it on the dashboard. “ Now what?” he asked the operator.

“ Do you have any blankets?”

“ Yeah”

“ Get them ready, you’re going to need to wrap the baby up once it’s out.”

Sebastian grabbed the bag out of the back seat and pulled out the baby blankets that Raelynn had packed. He handed them to Raelynn who laid them on her heaving chest. She was in such pain. It was making Sebastian sick to his stomach. The operator then instructed Sebastian to take Raelynn’s underwear off and take a look to see if the baby’s head was visible. Sebastian did as he was told. And wouldn’t you fucking know it, he could see the baby’s head. Raelynn wasn’t kidding when she said she wasn’t going to make it.

“ Okay. Ma’am, can you hear me?” the 911 operator asked.

“ Yes,” Raelynn panted.

“ Good. On you’re next contraction, you need to push. Alright sweatheart?” the man said calmly.

“ Okay...okay,” Raelynn agreed.

“ And sir, all you have to do it catch. Do not pull the baby out. Just make sure he doesn’t fall.”

“ Oh Jesus,” Sebastian breathed. Hoping like hell he didn’t pass the fuck out.

He was squatting down in the open doorway of the passenger side. Raelynn’s rear end resting on the edge of the seat, her back pressed against the center console. The next contraction came and Raelynn screamed as she bore down. Sebastian’s eyes widened as the baby’s head popped out. He kept his hands under the head. They had to wait for another contraction before Raelynn could push again.

When the time came, Raelynn bore down - screaming through clenched teeth as she did - and pushed the baby the rest of the way out. Sebastian caught him, immediately tucking him in close to his chest. He didn’t give a shit about the mess. He was holding his baby boy in his arms. Sebastian couldn’t believe it. His son was here.

“ Sebastian,” Raelynn said wearily.

Sebastian’s head snapped up to look at a completely exhauted Raelynn. She held open a blanket. Sebastian laid their son on her chest, both working together to wrap him up. It must have made him mad because he started crying. Sebastian and Raelynn looked at each other, tears in their eyes as they both choked out a relieved laugh. Sebastian leaned into the car and kissed Raelynn sweetly.

“ You did great, sweet cheeks,” Sebastian whispered hoarsely.

Raelynn sighed and kissed him again.

That’s when Sebastian heard the sirens. He straightened up and waved at the ambulance. Sebastian thanked the 911 operator before hanging up. The paramedics got Raelynn and the baby loaded up in the ambulance within minutes of arriving. Sebastian grabbed their bag and said fuck the car, he was riding with is family. Plus, the car now needed to be professionally cleaned. He’d call a tow truck later.

They arrived at the hospital ten minutes later. The NICU doctor took the baby to check him out and make sure everything was okay with him. Raelynn got checked over and cleaned up before being placed in a room. Luckily, Raelynn had packed him a change of clothes in the bag because he was a mess. Sebastian took a quick shower in Raelynn’s bathroom and put on his clean clothes. By the time he emerged from the bathroom, Raelynn was out cold. Sebastian gave her a kiss on the forehead and grabbed his phone. Sebastian stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

“ Sebastian?” came Henry’s surprised voice from his right.

Sebastian’s head whipped around to find his brother stepping out of a room a couple doors away. Sebastian sighed heavily in relief at seeing his brother. He really needed him right now. They started toward each other.

“ What are you doing here? Did Raelynn go into labor?” Henry asked, concerned. He gave Sebastian a brief hug.

Sebastian nodded and raked a hand down his face. “ Not only did she go into labor, she didn’t make it to the hospital. I had to help deliver the baby in the car.”

Henry gasped in shock. “ Shut the fuck up! You did not!”