Chapter 15

“ Hey, babe?! Henry just called and said that Claire’s gone into labor!” Sebastian called as he started up the stairs to find Raelynn. He had just gotten home from work.

“ Oh, yeah?” Raelynn answered, her voice sound a little odd.

Sebastian frowned and walked into their bedroom. Raelynn wasn’t there, but their bathroom door was closed. Sebastian went over and knocked on it. “ Rae? You alright in there?” he asked.

He heard Raelynn gasp in what sounded like pain and tried the doorknob. It was unlocked so he opened the door. Sebastian’s heart flipped in his chest when he saw her. One hand was clasping the edge of the sink counter with white knuckles while the other was pressed to her very large belly. Raelynn was due in a week.

“ Babe?” Sebastian asked worriedly as he moved into the bathroom.

Raelynn shook her head, her expression in the mirror tight. “ Just a contraction.” She winced.

“ They’ve been coming and going all day.”

“ Should we go to the hospital?” Sebastian asked, wided eyed.

“ No. They will only send me home. You have to be having contractions every three to five minutes for at least an hour before they will keep you.”

“ That’s ridiculous,” Sebastian snarled. He didn’t like that Raelynn was in pain and there was nothing they could do about it.

Raelynn sighed and her whole body relaxed. “ That was a rough one,” she murmured and straightened up.

Sebastian watched her. She seemed okay now. Pleasant, even. “ So Claire went into labor?” she asked, turning around to face him.

Raelynn was looking cute in an floral empire waist summer dress. Lately, that’s all she’s been wearing. It was July and getting hot out and she had been sweating like a fucking pig. Her words, not his.

Sebastian nodded.

Raelynn smiled. “ Good, we can finally find out if they’re having a girl or boy. I’m betting girl because of the stubborness of not wanting to be seen.”

Sebastian snorted. “ I totally agree.”

Henry and Claire had tried multiple times to find out what they were having. The baby refused to cooperate. Well, they would all find out soon enough. Sebastian watched Raelynn for a moment. He was still wary about these contractions she’s been having. Raelynn gave him a reassuring smile as she placed her hand on his forearm. What happened next was something he never ever expected...Raelynn’s grip tightened on his arm a second before a rush a fluid splashed to the floor from between her legs. Raelynn groaned in pain and grabbed her stomach with her free hand. Sebastian’s eyes widened as his mind tried to process what just happened.

“ Holy fucking shit! Did your water just break?!” Sebastian asked frantically.

“ Yes!” Realynn gasped and doubled over.

“ It’s time to go to the hospital now, right?!”

“ Yes!” Raelynn ground out.

Chaos ensued from there. Thank God they already had a bag packed and sitting by the door because it took Sebastian a good fifteen-twenty minutes to get Raelynn out to the car. She had to keep stopping because the contractions were so strong and frequent that she couldn’t go more then a few steps before having another one. Sebastian finally got her into the passenger seat of her car. It was just easier for her to get in and out of then his truck. Sebastian tossed the bag in the backseat and hopped in the drivers side.

The hospital was forty-five minutes away. Sebastian was driving as fast as he possibly could. He prayed that they made it in time. Raelynn wasn’t doing so well. She was sweating so much that her hair line was soaked. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her teeth were bared. He could tell she was in a tremendous amount of pain. It killed him to see her like this. They were almost halfway there when Raelynn actually screamed, scaring the shit out of Sebastian.

“ Stop the car, Sebastian!” Raelynn panted.

“ What?! Why the fuck would I do that?!” Sebastian asked incredulously.

“ I’m not going to make it! This baby wants out!” Raelynn cried.

“ Tell him to stay the fuck in there!” Sebastian exclaimed in horror.

“ Sebastian!!!” Raelynn screamed.

“ Goddammit!” Sebastian bit out and found an empty parking lot.

He pulled into the parking lot and stopped the car. He got out and dialed 911 as he ran around to Raelynn’s side and opened the door. She was trying to take deep breaths through her nose but it didn’t really seem to be helping.

“ 911, what’s your emergency?” the operator answered.

“ Yeah, hi. I was on my way to the hospital with my fiance, who’s having a baby and she said she’s not going to make it. I pulled into an parking lot,” Sebastian told him.

“ Okay, sir. I’m going to dispatch an ambulance to your location. Where exactly are you?”