" It's a boy," the tech said with a smile. " Here's his penis," she said as she pointed to the screen.

Sebastian jumped up and whooped, throwing his arms up. Raelynn and the tech laughed.

" Oh my god! I gotta call Henry!" Sebastian exclaimed excitedly as he jumped around like a fool.

" We're almost done," the tech said.

Sebastian paced - too excited to sit - while the tech finished up. She wiped Raelynn's belly then let her go to the bathroom. Raelynn sighed loudly behind the door, making Sebastian chuckle. The tech printed out some pictures and handed them to Sebastian - the "It's a boy" picture on top.

" Congrats," the tech said.

" Thank you," Sebastian smiled, staring down at the pictures.

Once Raelynn was finished in the bathroom, the tech led them out. They said thanks and goodbye before heading out to Sebastian's truck. In the parking lot, Sebastian scooped Raelynn up and swung her around. Raelynn squealed. When he put her down, Raelynn kissed him.

" I'm so glad you're happy," She murmured against his lips.

" I'm over the moon, baby...over the moon," Sebastian chuckled, kissing her again.

Raelynn grinned. " I love you."

" God, I love you too. So damn much," Sebastian breathed, kissing her a little harder and longer.

Raelynn wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth to him. Sebastian moaned and took what she was offering. Sebastian hadn't even known they were moving until Raelynn's back bumped into the side of his truck. Raelynn let out a surprised gasp but kept kissing him. Sebastian ended the kiss a moment later, giving her a couple smaller pecks on the mouth.

" Let's get outta here. I wanna swing by Henry's office and tell him the news," Sebastian said, helping Raelynn into his truck.

It took about a half hour to get downtown to Henry's office building. They stood in the reception area and waited for Claire to come meet them. Sebastian was practically vibrating. Raelynn kept smiling and shaking her head at him. Claire came into view as she headed down the main isle of the office towards them. His sister-in-law looked stunning. She wasn't even all that dressed up. But she just looked so beautiful when pregnant.

Claire started showing a couple weeks before Raelynn and her belly was a bit bigger then Raelynn's. But she was also on her third child. They say after the first you tend to show sooner. Claire's strawberry blonde hair was braided and hanging over one shoulder. She was wearing a pretty purple empire waist dress that showed off her baby bump. She was positively glowing. Just like Raelynn.

" Claire, you look fantastic," Sebastian grinned wide and kissed and hugged her.

Sebastian then put both hands on her belly, bent down and kissed it.

Claire chuckled. " Thank you, Sebastian."

Raelynn was next to hug Claire. The two had become really close over the past five months. They talked on the phone almost every day - mostly about pregnancy stuff - but about other things too. Like when Henry and Sebastian were getting on their nerves. Sebastian was glad that Raelynn had someone close to her age who was also pregnant that she could talk to. And Claire knew a lot from being pregnant twice before. So she has been really helpful when Raelynn has questions.

" So what brings you guys by?" Claire asked as she led the way to Henry's office.

" We have news," Sebastian said.

Claire glanced over her shoulder, eyebrow raised. " You found out the sex?"

Sebastian nodded like a damn bobble head doll, making Claire laugh. Claire knocked on Henry's office door and stuck her head in. Then she opened the door wider and let Sebastian and Raelynn walk by before following and shutting the door behind her. Henry looked up and when he saw who it was he smiled.

" Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Henry asked as he stood and came out from behind his desk.

They all hugged and kissed and said hello. Henry gave Raelynn's belly a rub before turning to Sebastian with an expectant look on his face.

Sebastian started bouncing up and down because he just couldn't hold it in anymore. " We're having a boy!" he exclaimed.

Henry whooped and yanked Sebastian into a big bear hug. Then they started hopping around in circles together. Claire and Raelynn were cracking up. When they stopped, they laughed and clapped each other on the back. Then Henry gave Raelynn another hug while Claire gave Sebastian one.

" That's great guys! I'm so happy for you," Henry said, huge grin on his face.

" Did you two find out what you're having yet?” Raelynn asked.

Claire shook her head and put her hands on her belly. " Nope. Baby didn't want to cooperate. So as of right now, it's a surprise."

" Which I find exciting," Henry said grinning like a fool.