" Are you going to marry her?" Christian asked, still gawking.

Sebastian shrugged. " Eventually. We haven't talked about that yet."

Henry gasped again, this time more exaggeratedly. He clasped Sebastian's face and used his thumbs to lift Sebastian's eyelids. " Are you sure you're my brother Sebastian?" Henry asked as he studied Sebastian's eyes raptly.

" Man, get the hell off of me!" Sebastian laughed and shoved a chuckling Henry away.

Quinn shook his head. God, his brothers were weird. Christian and their dad laughed at their silly antics. Quinn was glad that Sebastian found someone who had changed his mind about love and marriage. Sebastian hadn't been happy until he met Raelynn. She was good for him. Quinn liked her a lot. And it looked as if Quinn was going to be acquiring another sister-in-law in the very near future.

Chapter 14

" Argh! Nothing fits anymore," Raelynn grumbled behind him.

Sebastian smiled over his shoulder at his gorgeously glowing pregnant girlfriend. He was standing in front of the sink in the bathroom, fixing his hair. Raelynn was digging through her closet trying to find something to wear. They were getting ready to go to an ultrasound appointment. Hopefully the baby would cooperate and they could find out the sex. Raelynn was 20 weeks along and really starting to show. She was already so tiny and was also trying to eat healthy that the only place she seemed to gain some weight was in her breasts and belly. Alright and maybe a little in her ass.

A few weeks after finding out that Raelynn was pregnant, Sebastian moved out of his apartment and into Raelynn's house. They had also started to convert one of the spare rooms into a nursery. Sebastian had learned a shit load of stuff about pregnancy from books and the internet and also from Raelynn and Claire. He knew the basics from when Claire was pregnant with little Henry but it was entirely different with his own girlfriend being pregnant. Plus Henry had to go and scare the shit out of him by showing him a video of a woman giving birth. He could have gone the rest of his life without seeing that video. And now he was terrified for when Raelynn's day came.

Sebastian finished doing his hair then walked into the master bedroom. Raelynn was standing in front of her closet, hands on her hips, in her bra and panties. She didn't look pregnant from behind. But from the front there was no mistaking her baby bump. Sebastian sidled up behind her and slid his hands to said baby bump and rubbed it.

" Baby, I think you need to get some maternity clothes now," he said, kissing her cheek.

" I know," Raelynn huffed.

" I know what you're thinking and you're going to look great in maternity clothes. Look at Claire, she always dresses really nice."

" I know she does. I'm just sad that I have to give up my clothes. I love my clothes," Raelynn pouted.

" It's only for a little while," Sebastian soothed, kissing her neck.

Raelynn sighed. " I know."

" Come on, pick something. We gotta go," Sebastian said, releasing her and giving her rear end a swat as he walked away.

Sebastian went downstairs to grab a quick bite to eat before they left. Raelynn complained the whole way to the doctor's office. She had to drink a whole bunch of water before the appointment. And she had to pee like a motherfucker. Her words, not his. For the most part Raelynn wasn't too moody, but she had moments where Sebastian wanted to rip his hair out. Like now. Sebastian understood that she had to pee, she didn't have to keep going on about it.

Thank God that they got seen quickly. They were only waiting for about ten minutes before they were called back. Sebastian stood with his hands shoved in his pockets while the ultrasound tech got Raelynn set up on the gurney. Once she was ready, the tech told Sebastian he could sit at Raelynn's feet so that he could see the ultrasound screen too. Then the tech placed gel went on Raelynn's belly and the tech got started.

The first thing he heard was the heartbeat started. And even though Sebastian had heard it at the previous ultrasound, he was still awed by it. He watched the screen as the tech moved the wand over Raelynn's belly. He could see their baby. Last time it was just a little bean-looking thing. Now it looked like a baby. He could see the head and arms and legs, little hands and feet. He grabbed Raelynn's calf and squeezed. She glanced at him, tears of joy in her eyes.

" Do you want to know the sex?" the tech asked.

" Yes," both him and Raelynn said at the same time.

The tech smiled and moved the wand around, did some clicking and froze the screen. Sebastian's heart pounded as he waited for the tech to say something. He was hoping for a boy of course. Raelynn said she didn't care. The tech moved a little more and froze the screen again. Sebastian's breath caught. He could see loud and clear what they were having.