" Really?" Quinn asked skeptically.

" Yeah, just make sure you pretend it hurts," Henry chuckled.

Quinn shrugged. He'd give it a try. He scooted a little closer and took little Henry's free hand. His chubby hand was already in a fist. Quinn swung the little fist and connected it with his jaw. Quinn "Oof-ed" and pretended to get knocked back. To his surprise, the baby started cracking the hell up. Quinn grinned and glanced at Henry, who winked at him.

Quinn played with little Henry until it was time to eat. When their mother called them in for dinner, Henry came and scooped his son up off the floor. Christian walked over and held out a hand for Quinn. Quinn accepted it, letting Christian pull him up off the floor.

" Thanks, Chris," Quinn said.

" No problem," Christian said with a small smile.

" How you feeling?" Quinn asked, knowing Christian would understand what he was asking about. Christian had a hard time with anxiety. It was one of the reasons he was thinner then the rest of them. Whenever his anxiety was high, he either didn't have an appetite or would throw up a lot.

Christian shrugged. " I have good days and bad."

Quinn nodded in understanding as they walked into the kitchen. At the table, Quinn sat with Christian on one side and his mother on the other. His mom had made a ham, with corn, pineapple stuffing and a salad. It looked delicious. One thing his mother was always good at was cooking. Everyone passed around the food and dug in. Small conversations started. Quinn mostly just listened.

About halfway through dinner, Sebastian cleared his throat and got everyone's attention.

" Raelynn and I have something to tell everyone," he said, sending a loving glance at Raelynn and placed his hand over hers where it rested on the table.

Quinn could feel his mother buzzing with excitement next to him. Quinn wondered what Sebastian was going to say. Was he getting married again?

" Well, what is it son? Don't leave us hangin'," their dad, Henry Sr. chuckled.

" We're having a baby," Sebastian smiled sheepishly, a slight blush creeping up his face.

Raelynn too blushed and smiled shyly.

" Oh my god! That's wonderful!" Anne exclaimed excitedly. " Another grandchild, Henry!" she croaked, looking over at her husband with tears in her eyes.

Quinn saw Henry and Claire glance at each other from where they were sitting across from him. " Uh, you're actually going to have two new grandchildren," Henry winced and rubbed the back of his neck.

Anne gasped, her head swinging around to look at Claire. " You're pregnant too?!" she squawked.

Claire smiled and nodded.

" Oh my God!!!" Anne cried and covered her face with her hands.

" Nice, brother. Congrats!" Sebastian laughed, reaching around Raelynn to clap Henry on the back.

" Hey! Congrats to you too, man!" Henry grinned, patting Sebastian on the back in return.

After the congratulations were finished and his mom stopped crying, the questions started. When are the babies due? Do they have any names in mind? Are they hoping for a boy or girl? Quinn just sat and listened. He and Christian weren't really involved as much and probably wouldn't be until they both settled down and had kids. So as of right now, they were outsiders. Which was fine by him, Quinn didn't want to be part of that group. He wasn't cut out to be a father.

After dinner, the women chatted while they cleaned up the kitchen. The men and kids headed back out into the living room. Quinn sat with Christian on the love seat while Henry, Sebastian and their dad sat on the couch. The boys played on the floor.

" I can't believe it. Sebastian's gonna be a daddy," Henry smirked, shaking his head as he patted Sebastian's thigh.

" I know, right?" Sebastian agreed. " Rae told me last week and I'm still in shock."

" She's not working on the streets is she?" Henry Sr. asked, brow furrowed.

" No, thank God. She got transferred to a different department where she's on desk duty now," Sebastian said, raking a hand through his hair.

" And she's okay with that?" Christian asked doubtfully.

" She did it mostly for me. But yeah, I think she's okay with it," Sebastian nodded.

" So have you told her you love her yet?" Henry asked, eyebrow raised dubiously.

" As a matter of fact, I did," Sebastian said smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Henry gasped, as did Christian. " No fucking way!" Henry exclaimed, eyes wide.

Quinn was pretty damn shocked himself, but he didn't react.

" It kinda just fell out of my mouth when we were arguing about her job. But I did say it and I'm gonna keep on saying it," Sebastian said firmly.

" I'm glad to hear that, Sebastian. I was worried about you after everything that'd happened," Henry Sr. said with a sad smile.