" No, but let me talk to the Chief. I’ll see if he can transfer me somewhere thats less dangerous," Raelynn said quietly.

" Like a desk?" Sebastian smirked.

Raelynn chuckled low. " Yes, maybe he can put me in cyber crimes where I can work at a desk."

Sebastian sighed in relief. " Okay. Thank you, baby. I'm sorry for acting like an ass," he frowned.

" I'll forgive you on one condition," Raelynn said, watching as she drew circles on his chest with her finger.

" Oh yeah? What's that?" he asked with a smirk.

" Tell me you love me again," Raelynn said, lifting her gaze to meet his.

Sebastian cupped her face, his thumb stroking her cheek. " I love you, Raelynn. So much," he said roughly before kissing her again.

Raelynn closed her eyes and savored the moment. She loved the way those words sounded coming out of his mouth. She knew how hard it was for him to have even let himself fall in love with her. But he did, and that's all she cared about. He loved her and they were going to have a baby together.

Quinn parked his car in his parent's driveway. His mother had invited them all over for dinner. They hadn't all been together in a few months. And this would be the first time Sebastian was bringing his girlfriend, Raelynn. According to Henry, they were pretty damn serious. Which shocked Quinn. He swore Sebastian wouldn't get serious with another woman for a long time.

Quinn walked in the front door and was immediately greeted by the four year old Ethan, who promptly latched onto his leg. Quinn smiled down at him and ruffled his mop of blonde curls. Ethan was a really cute kid. Definitely gonna be a heartbreaker some day.

" Uncle Quinn!" Ethan exclaimed. His bright blue eyes lighting up as he looked up at Quinn.

" Hey, buddy," Quinn murmured.

Quinn glanced around the living room. Little Henry was sitting on the floor chewing on some kind of baby toy. The chunky-monkey was 10 months now and Quinn could tell the kid was definitely going to take after Henry. He was huge! He looked more like an one and a half year old. He had white blonde hair that Henry liked to put into a mohawk. The only thing he got from Claire was his light blue eyes.

Henry was lounging on the couch at one end while Christian lounged at the other end. Christian was looking spiffy as usual. The man was a clothes whore. He had a thing for the latest fashion and was always buying something new to add to his collection. He was wearing dark jeans, a white dress shirt with a gray v-neck cardigan that had a navy blue collar. All of which fit snug to his long lean body. Christian was the thinnest of all of them, but he still had muscle and it showed in whatever he wore.

Sebastian and Raelynn were sitting on the love seat being all lovey-dovey. Sebastian had his arm one around Raelynn's shoulders while the other rested on her stomach. Their faces were turned towards each other and only inches apart. They were talking quietly to each other. Quinn was glad his brother was happy. It definitely showed. Sebastian deserved it.

" Quinn!" Anne's voice called, bringing him out of his thoughts.

Quinn looked towards the kitchen to see his mother coming through the doorway into the living room. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. " Hey, mom," he said, trying to walk forward with a four year old wrapped around his leg.

Claire emerged from the kitchen also. She smiled at him before frowning down at Ethan.

" Ethan! At least let Uncle Quinn get in the door before you torture him," she scolded and shooed Ethan off his leg. Claire then gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. " Hi, Quinn."

" Claire," he murmured in greeting.

Quinn went around the room, saying hi to everyone else. Then he went and laid on the floor with little Henry. Quinn wasn't the most affectionate person, everyone knew that. He even had a hard time with the kids. He just didn't know what to do. Ethan was a little easier because he would just come up and hug Quinn, or jump on him or try to wrestle. The baby was harder to deal with. Harder to connect with. Quinn lounged on his side, resting on his elbow in front of the little boy. Quinn used a finger to tickle his belly. Little Henry stared at him, but wasn't affected. Quinn tried next to tickle his little sock-covered foot. The kid pulled his foot away but just kept staring, chewing on his teething ring.

" I don't think he likes me, Henry," Quinn grumbled.

Henry smiled. " He likes you just fine, Quinn. Try making him punch you with his hand, he gets a kick out of that."